description: Play "Moto Racer 1" CD version on Linux!
game_slug: moto-racer
gogslug: the_moto_racer_collection
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: moto-racer-cd-eur-dgvoodoo2
name: Moto Racer
notes: "- This script installer is only compatible with MR1 CD multilingual version\
\ (EUR). During install, you could choose your preferred language for menus between\
\ English (default), French, Italian, Sweden, Spanish and German\r\n- You will need\
\ the CD only one time during install\r\n- Game will be updated to latest 3.22 version\
\ with two extra bonus tracks \u201CFun Fair\u201D and \u201CSea of Sand\u201D\r\
\n- Using dgVoodoo2 for modern graphic hardware compatibility and bypass 16 bits\
\ color depth limitation\r\n- Multiplayer functional on LAN with Directplay TCP/IP.\
\ During my tests only MR1 CD install with 3.22 patch can be host. GOG version can\
\ only join\r\n- This game does not support very well \"Alt+Tab\". Workaround: use\
\ Gamescope\r\n- x360 gamepad natively supported"
runner: wine
- wrapper:
- patch:
- script:
- dlc:
args: -$INPUT_LANG -fullscreen -d3d -DoRealLock -OpaqueBlackLevel3 -TextureSquareOnly
-CorrectRatioTextures -NoDither -TextureVideoMem268435456
exe: drive_c/Program Files (x86)/MotoRacer/Moto.exe
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
arch: win64
name: create_prefix
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- insert-disc:
description: Please insert Moto Racer 1 CD and press "Autodetection"
requires: faq_fr.txt
- task:
description: Installing...
executable: $DISC/setup.exe
name: wineexec
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- extract:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/MotoRacer
file: patch
- extract:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/MotoRacer/data
file: dlc
- extract:
dst: $CACHE
file: wrapper
- copy:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/Moto Racer
src: $CACHE/MS/x86/DDraw.dll
- copy:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/Moto Racer
src: $CACHE/MS/x86/D3DImm.dll
- copy:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/Moto Racer
src: $CACHE/dgVoodooCpl.exe
- write_file:
content: '[DirectX]
DesktopBitDepth=16 '
file: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/Moto Racer/dgVoodoo.conf
- input_menu:
description: 'Choose your preferred game''s language:'
id: LANG
- us: English
- fr: "Fran\xE7ais"
- it: Italian
- sw: Sweden
- sp: Spanish
- gr: German
preselect: us
- task:
app: directplay
name: winetricks
silent: true
- chmodx: script
- execute:
args: moto "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/MotoRacer" 3 wav
file: script
DXVK_HUD: null
gamescope: true
gamescope_fps_limiter: '60'
gamescope_game_res: $RESOLUTION
gamescope_output_res: $RESOLUTION
ddraw: n,b
winmm: n,b
slug: moto-racer-cd-eur-dgvoodoo2
steamid: null
version: CD (EUR) + dgVoodoo2
year: 1997
"game_slug": "moto-racer",
"version": "CD (EUR) + dgVoodoo2",
"description": "Play \"Moto Racer 1\" CD version on Linux!",
"notes": "- This script installer is only compatible with MR1 CD multilingual version (EUR). During install, you could choose your preferred language for menus between English (default), French, Italian, Sweden, Spanish and German\r\n- You will need the CD only one time during install\r\n- Game will be updated to latest 3.22 version with two extra bonus tracks \u201cFun Fair\u201d and \u201cSea of Sand\u201d\r\n- Using dgVoodoo2 for modern graphic hardware compatibility and bypass 16 bits color depth limitation\r\n- Multiplayer functional on LAN with Directplay TCP/IP. During my tests only MR1 CD install with 3.22 patch can be host. GOG version can only join\r\n- This game does not support very well \"Alt+Tab\". Workaround: use Gamescope\r\n- x360 gamepad natively supported",
"name": "Moto Racer",
"year": 1997,
"steamid": null,
"gogslug": "the_moto_racer_collection",
"humblestoreid": "",
"runner": "wine",
"slug": "moto-racer-cd-eur-dgvoodoo2",
"installer_slug": "moto-racer-cd-eur-dgvoodoo2",
"script": {
"files": [
"wrapper": ""
"patch": ""
"script": ""
"dlc": ""
"game": {
"args": "-$INPUT_LANG -fullscreen -d3d -DoRealLock -OpaqueBlackLevel3 -TextureSquareOnly -CorrectRatioTextures -NoDither -TextureVideoMem268435456",
"exe": "drive_c/Program Files (x86)/MotoRacer/Moto.exe",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"installer": [
"task": {
"arch": "win64",
"name": "create_prefix",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"insert-disc": {
"description": "Please insert Moto Racer 1 CD and press \"Autodetection\"",
"requires": "faq_fr.txt"
"task": {
"description": "Installing...",
"executable": "$DISC/setup.exe",
"name": "wineexec",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"extract": {
"dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/MotoRacer",
"file": "patch"
"extract": {
"dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/MotoRacer/data",
"file": "dlc"
"extract": {
"dst": "$CACHE",
"file": "wrapper"
"copy": {
"dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/Moto Racer",
"src": "$CACHE/MS/x86/DDraw.dll"
"copy": {
"dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/Moto Racer",
"src": "$CACHE/MS/x86/D3DImm.dll"
"copy": {
"dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/Moto Racer",
"src": "$CACHE/dgVoodooCpl.exe"
"write_file": {
"content": "[DirectX]\nVRAM=256\nVideoCard=ati_radeon_8500\ndgVoodooWatermark=False\n\n[GeneralExt]\nDesktopBitDepth=16 ",
"file": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/Moto Racer/dgVoodoo.conf"
"input_menu": {
"description": "Choose your preferred game's language:",
"id": "LANG",
"options": [
"us": "English"
"fr": "Fran\u00e7ais"
"it": "Italian"
"sw": "Sweden"
"sp": "Spanish"
"gr": "German"
"preselect": "us"
"task": {
"app": "directplay",
"name": "winetricks",
"silent": true
"chmodx": "script"
"execute": {
"args": "moto \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/MotoRacer\" 3 wav",
"file": "script"
"system": {
"env": {
"DXVK_HUD": null
"gamescope": true,
"gamescope_fps_limiter": "60",
"gamescope_game_res": "$RESOLUTION",
"gamescope_output_res": "$RESOLUTION"
"wine": {
"overrides": {
"ddraw": "n,b",
"winmm": "n,b"