Installer unreal-tournament-2003-cd-patch-v22253

- patch:
    filename: ut2003_2225beta3-multilanguage.update.tar.xz
- insert-disc:
    requires: System/UT2003.exe
- merge:
    dst: $GAMEDIR
    src: $DISC
- execute:
    command: find "$GAMEDIR" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0775 && find "$GAMEDIR"
      -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0664
- insert-disc:
    requires: Textures/UT2003Fonts.utx.uz2
- merge:
    dst: $GAMEDIR
    src: $DISC
- execute:
    command: find "$GAMEDIR" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0775 && find "$GAMEDIR"
      -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0664
- insert-disc:
- merge:
    dst: $GAMEDIR
    src: $DISC
- execute:
    command: find "$GAMEDIR" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0775 && find "$GAMEDIR"
      -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0664
- extract:
    src: patch
- chmodx: $GAMEDIR/System/ucc-bin
- execute:
    command: rm AutoRun.exe AutoRun.inf Setup.exe
- execute:
    command: cd "System" && find .. -type f -name "*.uz2" -exec ./ucc-bin decompress
      "{}" -nohomedir \; -exec rm "{}" \;
- chmodx: $GAMEDIR/System/ut2003-bin
- write_config:
        RenderDevice: OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice
        ViewportManager: SDLDrv.SDLClient
    file: $GAMEDIR/System/UT2003.ini
- execute:
    command: cp "$(which padsp)" "$GAMEDIR/padsp32" && sed -i "s/x86_64-linux-gnu/i386-linux-gnu/g"
- write_file:
    content: "#!/bin/bash\n if [ ! -e \"$GAMEDIR/System/cdkey\" ];\n then\n zenity\
      \ --icon-name=\"lutris\" --width=\"450\" --height=\"250\" --title=\"Unreal Tournament\
      \ 2003\" --entry --text \"Please enter your UT2003 CD key\\nYou can change this\
      \ at a later date by editing $GAMEDIR/System/cdkey\" > \"$GAMEDIR/System/cdkey\"\
      \n fi\n cd \"$GAMEDIR/System\"\n ../padsp32 ./ut2003-bin"
    file: $GAMEDIR/
- chmodx: $GAMEDIR/
description: Installs retail 3 CD version of the game, updated to version 2225
game_slug: unreal-tournament-2003
gogslug: ''
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: unreal-tournament-2003-cd-patch-v22253
name: Unreal Tournament 2003
notes: "Game is old and 32-bit, so requires the older 32-bit C++ runtime. On a 32-bit\
  \ Ubuntu system, this can be installed as:\r\n\r\nsudo apt-get install libstdc++5\r\
  \n\r\nor for a 64-bit system:\r\n\r\nsudo apt-get install libstdc++5:i386\r\n\r\n\
  Requires padsp (on Ubuntu this should be provided by pulseaudio-utils) for sound\
  \ to function, but the game is 32-bit, so the 32-bit libraries will be needed. You\
  \ can install these on 64-bit Ubuntu via:\r\n\r\nsudo apt-get install libpulsedsp:i386\r\
  \n\r\nA the padsp script is copied to the install dir as padsp32 and is patched\
  \ to ensure it loads the 32-bit libraries. \r\n\r\nTo report any issues related\
  \ to this installer, please leave an issue on the associated GitHub page:"
runner: linux
  - patch:
      filename: ut2003_2225beta3-multilanguage.update.tar.xz
  - insert-disc:
      requires: System/UT2003.exe
  - merge:
      dst: $GAMEDIR
      src: $DISC
  - execute:
      command: find "$GAMEDIR" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0775 && find "$GAMEDIR"
        -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0664
  - insert-disc:
      requires: Textures/UT2003Fonts.utx.uz2
  - merge:
      dst: $GAMEDIR
      src: $DISC
  - execute:
      command: find "$GAMEDIR" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0775 && find "$GAMEDIR"
        -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0664
  - insert-disc:
  - merge:
      dst: $GAMEDIR
      src: $DISC
  - execute:
      command: find "$GAMEDIR" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0775 && find "$GAMEDIR"
        -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0664
  - extract:
      src: patch
  - chmodx: $GAMEDIR/System/ucc-bin
  - execute:
      command: rm AutoRun.exe AutoRun.inf Setup.exe
  - execute:
      command: cd "System" && find .. -type f -name "*.uz2" -exec ./ucc-bin decompress
        "{}" -nohomedir \; -exec rm "{}" \;
  - chmodx: $GAMEDIR/System/ut2003-bin
  - write_config:
          RenderDevice: OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice
          ViewportManager: SDLDrv.SDLClient
      file: $GAMEDIR/System/UT2003.ini
  - execute:
      command: cp "$(which padsp)" "$GAMEDIR/padsp32" && sed -i "s/x86_64-linux-gnu/i386-linux-gnu/g"
  - write_file:
      content: "#!/bin/bash\n if [ ! -e \"$GAMEDIR/System/cdkey\" ];\n then\n zenity\
        \ --icon-name=\"lutris\" --width=\"450\" --height=\"250\" --title=\"Unreal\
        \ Tournament 2003\" --entry --text \"Please enter your UT2003 CD key\\nYou\
        \ can change this at a later date by editing $GAMEDIR/System/cdkey\" > \"\
        $GAMEDIR/System/cdkey\"\n fi\n cd \"$GAMEDIR/System\"\n ../padsp32 ./ut2003-bin"
      file: $GAMEDIR/
  - chmodx: $GAMEDIR/
slug: unreal-tournament-2003-cd-patch-v22253
steamid: null
version: CD + patch v2225.3
year: 2002
  "game_slug": "unreal-tournament-2003",
  "version": "CD + patch v2225.3",
  "description": "Installs retail 3 CD version of the game, updated to version 2225",
  "notes": "Game is old and 32-bit, so requires the older 32-bit C++ runtime. On a 32-bit Ubuntu system, this can be installed as:\r\n\r\nsudo apt-get install libstdc++5\r\n\r\nor for a 64-bit system:\r\n\r\nsudo apt-get install libstdc++5:i386\r\n\r\nRequires padsp (on Ubuntu this should be provided by pulseaudio-utils) for sound to function, but the game is 32-bit, so the 32-bit libraries will be needed. You can install these on 64-bit Ubuntu via:\r\n\r\nsudo apt-get install libpulsedsp:i386\r\n\r\nA the padsp script is copied to the install dir as padsp32 and is patched to ensure it loads the 32-bit libraries. \r\n\r\nTo report any issues related to this installer, please leave an issue on the associated GitHub page:",
  "name": "Unreal Tournament 2003",
  "year": 2002,
  "steamid": null,
  "gogslug": "",
  "humblestoreid": "",
  "runner": "linux",
  "slug": "unreal-tournament-2003-cd-patch-v22253",
  "installer_slug": "unreal-tournament-2003-cd-patch-v22253",
  "script": {
    "files": [
        "patch": {
          "filename": "ut2003_2225beta3-multilanguage.update.tar.xz",
          "url": ""
    "game": {
      "exe": ""
    "installer": [
        "insert-disc": {
          "requires": "System/UT2003.exe"
        "merge": {
          "dst": "$GAMEDIR",
          "src": "$DISC"
        "execute": {
          "command": "find \"$GAMEDIR\" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0775 && find \"$GAMEDIR\" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0664"
        "insert-disc": {
          "requires": "Textures/UT2003Fonts.utx.uz2"
        "merge": {
          "dst": "$GAMEDIR",
          "src": "$DISC"
        "execute": {
          "command": "find \"$GAMEDIR\" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0775 && find \"$GAMEDIR\" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0664"
        "insert-disc": {
          "requires": ""
        "merge": {
          "dst": "$GAMEDIR",
          "src": "$DISC"
        "execute": {
          "command": "find \"$GAMEDIR\" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0775 && find \"$GAMEDIR\" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0664"
        "extract": {
          "src": "patch"
        "chmodx": "$GAMEDIR/System/ucc-bin"
        "execute": {
          "command": "rm AutoRun.exe AutoRun.inf Setup.exe"
        "execute": {
          "command": "cd \"System\" && find .. -type f -name \"*.uz2\" -exec ./ucc-bin decompress \"{}\" -nohomedir \\; -exec rm \"{}\" \\;"
        "chmodx": "$GAMEDIR/System/ut2003-bin"
        "write_config": {
          "data": {
            "Engine.Engine": {
              "RenderDevice": "OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice",
              "ViewportManager": "SDLDrv.SDLClient"
          "file": "$GAMEDIR/System/UT2003.ini"
        "execute": {
          "command": "cp \"$(which padsp)\" \"$GAMEDIR/padsp32\" && sed -i \"s/x86_64-linux-gnu/i386-linux-gnu/g\" \"$GAMEDIR/padsp32\""
        "write_file": {
          "content": "#!/bin/bash\n if [ ! -e \"$GAMEDIR/System/cdkey\" ];\n then\n zenity --icon-name=\"lutris\" --width=\"450\" --height=\"250\" --title=\"Unreal Tournament 2003\" --entry --text \"Please enter your UT2003 CD key\\nYou can change this at a later date by editing $GAMEDIR/System/cdkey\" > \"$GAMEDIR/System/cdkey\"\n fi\n cd \"$GAMEDIR/System\"\n ../padsp32 ./ut2003-bin",
          "file": "$GAMEDIR/"
        "chmodx": "$GAMEDIR/"
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