- setup:
- celestius:
arch: win32
exe: drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/CelestiusLauncher/CelestiusLauncher.exe
prefix: $GAMEDIR
install_complete_text: 'Now, hit "Launch" (or "Play") to run the Celestius Launcher.
After clicking "Browse" in the launcher, select "My computer", then "C:" to find
and select the "game.dll" file in the DAoC directory.
NOTE: If the game world appears highly pixelated/ugly upon login, and the proper
resolution is set, enable anti-aliasing via the following steps:
1. Right click the game in Lutris,then select "Configure"
2. Click "Runner options", and then check "Show advanced options"
3. Set "Anti-aliasing sample count" to 16, and then relaunch the game'
- task:
arch: win32
description: Creating Wine prefix
name: create_prefix
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- copy:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/CelestiusLauncher
src: celestius
- move:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/CelestiusLauncher/CelestiusLauncher.exe
src: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/CelestiusLauncher/CelestiusLauncherSetup.exe
- task:
app: win7
arch: win32
name: winetricks
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
app: corefonts
description: Installing Corefonts
name: winetricks
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
app: dotnet48
arch: win32
description: Installing .NET 4.8 (this may take some time)
name: winetricks
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
description: Installing DAOC
executable: setup
name: wineexec
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
description: Update the game to the current live version, then close the patcher
executable: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/Dark Age of Camelot/camelot.exe
name: wineexec
prefix: $GAMEDIR
dxvk: false
description: Celestius RvR free shard installer.
game_slug: dark-age-of-camelot
gogslug: ''
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: dark-age-of-camelot-celestius-rvr-free-s
name: Dark Age Of Camelot
notes: Allow the official DAoC patcher to run to completion, and then close the official
patcher. After Lutris finishes, hit "Play" to launch the Celestius Launcher, and
then "Browse" to "My computer", then to "C:", to find and select the "game.dll"
file inside of the DAoC directory. The Celestius Launcher will then update your
runner: wine
- setup:
- celestius:
arch: win32
exe: drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/CelestiusLauncher/CelestiusLauncher.exe
prefix: $GAMEDIR
install_complete_text: 'Now, hit "Launch" (or "Play") to run the Celestius Launcher.
After clicking "Browse" in the launcher, select "My computer", then "C:" to find
and select the "game.dll" file in the DAoC directory.
NOTE: If the game world appears highly pixelated/ugly upon login, and the proper
resolution is set, enable anti-aliasing via the following steps:
1. Right click the game in Lutris,then select "Configure"
2. Click "Runner options", and then check "Show advanced options"
3. Set "Anti-aliasing sample count" to 16, and then relaunch the game'
- task:
arch: win32
description: Creating Wine prefix
name: create_prefix
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- copy:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/CelestiusLauncher
src: celestius
- move:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/CelestiusLauncher/CelestiusLauncher.exe
src: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/CelestiusLauncher/CelestiusLauncherSetup.exe
- task:
app: win7
arch: win32
name: winetricks
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
app: corefonts
description: Installing Corefonts
name: winetricks
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
app: dotnet48
arch: win32
description: Installing .NET 4.8 (this may take some time)
name: winetricks
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
description: Installing DAOC
executable: setup
name: wineexec
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
description: Update the game to the current live version, then close the patcher
executable: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/Dark Age of Camelot/camelot.exe
name: wineexec
prefix: $GAMEDIR
dxvk: false
slug: dark-age-of-camelot-celestius-rvr-free-s
steamid: null
version: Celestius RvR Free Shard
year: 2002
"game_slug": "dark-age-of-camelot",
"version": "Celestius RvR Free Shard",
"description": "Celestius RvR free shard installer.",
"notes": "Allow the official DAoC patcher to run to completion, and then close the official patcher. After Lutris finishes, hit \"Play\" to launch the Celestius Launcher, and then \"Browse\" to \"My computer\", then to \"C:\", to find and select the \"game.dll\" file inside of the DAoC directory. The Celestius Launcher will then update your game.",
"name": "Dark Age Of Camelot",
"year": 2002,
"steamid": null,
"gogslug": "",
"humblestoreid": "",
"runner": "wine",
"slug": "dark-age-of-camelot-celestius-rvr-free-s",
"installer_slug": "dark-age-of-camelot-celestius-rvr-free-s",
"script": {
"files": [
"setup": ""
"celestius": ""
"game": {
"arch": "win32",
"exe": "drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/CelestiusLauncher/CelestiusLauncher.exe",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"install_complete_text": "Now, hit \"Launch\" (or \"Play\") to run the Celestius Launcher.\nAfter clicking \"Browse\" in the launcher, select \"My computer\", then \"C:\" to find and select the \"game.dll\" file in the DAoC directory.\nNOTE: If the game world appears highly pixelated/ugly upon login, and the proper resolution is set, enable anti-aliasing via the following steps:\n1. Right click the game in Lutris,then select \"Configure\"\n2. Click \"Runner options\", and then check \"Show advanced options\"\n3. Set \"Anti-aliasing sample count\" to 16, and then relaunch the game",
"installer": [
"task": {
"arch": "win32",
"description": "Creating Wine prefix",
"name": "create_prefix",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"copy": {
"dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/CelestiusLauncher",
"src": "celestius"
"move": {
"dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/CelestiusLauncher/CelestiusLauncher.exe",
"src": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/CelestiusLauncher/CelestiusLauncherSetup.exe"
"task": {
"app": "win7",
"arch": "win32",
"name": "winetricks",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"task": {
"app": "corefonts",
"description": "Installing Corefonts",
"name": "winetricks",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"task": {
"app": "dotnet48",
"arch": "win32",
"description": "Installing .NET 4.8 (this may take some time)",
"name": "winetricks",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"task": {
"description": "Installing DAOC",
"executable": "setup",
"name": "wineexec",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"task": {
"description": "Update the game to the current live version, then close the patcher",
"executable": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/Dark Age of Camelot/camelot.exe",
"name": "wineexec",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"wine": {
"dxvk": false