
released in 2014
  • Wine 1.30.1 version last published 1 year, 11 months ago
    During Installation:
    After the Zwift installer downloads, you'll be greeted by a white screen. Quit the launcher, including from the wine system tray

    After Installation:
    Duplicate the Zwift game in Lutris and edit it

    * Change the name to Zwift Launcher
    * Edit the Executable to the path of ZwiftLauncher.exe (~/Games/zwift/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Zwift/ZwiftLauncher.exe)
    * Remove the arguments
    * Save

    Added bonus: Borderless Gaming

    * Download to wineprefix

    * In Lutris, *Run EXE inside Wine prefix* and install the downloaded BorderlessGaming9.5.6_admin_setup.exe

    * In Lutris, click on the + sign in top left corner and fill in:
    * Name: Borderless Gaming
    * Runner: Wine
    * Game options:
    * Executable: ~/Games/zwift/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Borderless Gaming/BorderlessGaming.exe
    * Working Directory: ~/Games/zwift/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Borderless Gaming
    * Wine prefix: ~/Games/zwift

    Running Zwift:

    1. Open Lutris

    2. Open Zwift Launcher

    3. Open Zwift

    4. Open Bordeless Gaming and add Zwift to favorites

    5. Open Zwift Companion app for Bluetooth
    - (Only needed for heart rate monitor if you are not running a Kickr V5 or V6 with Direct Connect)
  • Wine Windows version last published 3 years, 1 month ago
    During Installation:
    After the Zwift installer downloads, you'll be greeted by a white screen. Quit the launcher, including from the wine system tray

    After Installation
    Zwift requires the launcher to be running at all times. Select "Run EXE inside wine prefix" and select "drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Zwift/ZwiftLauncher.exe". Once it's running you can hit "Play".

Zwift is a massively multiplayer online cycling and running videogame and physical training program that enables users to interact, train and compete in a virtual world.


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