Time of Shadows

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Sequel to the well known Action-RPG Blood Magic
The immortal Modo has been prostrated. Trying to destroy the Earth he died and didn't accomplish his monstrous plans. But evil won't leave the world without a desperate struggle. The absolute is ruined, fragile balance of the forces that remained for 10 years has fallen to pieces. The world remained unprotected and legions of shadows lashed it and drowned it in sorrow, horror and suffering. There is practically no more time left. The Hero has to start a risky journey in the labyrinths of other worlds to stop the invasion of non-natural creatures.
Key features

Balanced magic system including 12 schools of magic and over 100 spells that can be combined
A dynamic combat system using combos, skills and magic.
Dozens of elaborated characters and monsters
Advanced NPC system
Dangerous adventures and fascinating quests in the unexplored world of shadows
Atmospheric sounds and music themes