The Fall of Lazarus

released in 2016
  • auto Steam(Auto) version
    Make sure you have connected your Steam account in Lutris and that you own this game.

The Fall of Lazarus is a deeply narrative video game. You will have to solve some puzzles and explore in order to advance in the story. The universe and story will unveil branching along the scenery, objects and documents left behind by the people who lived in the Lazarus at some point.
In addition if you search and connect the dots maybe a greater puzzle will be revealed and the darker truth around you will become brighter.

The Fall of Lazarus is a first person exploration game. There is a main story you'll play but you'll have to search and inspect every detail of the scenary looking for clues, notes, letters and objects and piece by piece gather information about what's happening around you.

There are a lot of mysteries aboard the USSC Lazarus and depends on you how many of them you can resolve along your journey. At the end of it maybe you resolve the bigger puzzle around what's going on. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're wrong. You'll need to have in mind every detail in order to unveil the whole story.

You'll have to resolve some puzzles as well, but we wanted to integrate them in the narrative and the scenery. You are in a spaceship and we wanted it to feel like it. The interaction with these puzzles is the same as in the rest of the game trying to not break the immersion in the story.

And you'll also can interact with the terminals and computers around the ship. Some will give you key information, others will help you in your way out. There is a whole operating system full of software and apps filled with information of any kind to explore and take advantage of. You'll have a tool (called Mnem/0z1n3) that will help you gathering and classifying information and breaking through password protected terminals.