Thandor: The Invasion

released in 2000
  • Wine 1.05 DE (Innonics) version last published 4 years, 10 months ago
    Dieser Installer benötigt auch einen Patch, der Link ist im Installer.Patch MD5 ist 4133020e5a7c9f74a633f586d231dc6b.Virustotal Link:
    Für manche neuere Auflösungen wie 1080p muss die thandor.dat manuell angepasst werden, fertige Dateien gibt es im Spielverzeichnis (Ordner customConfigs_Tools)!
  • Wine 1.05 EN (JoWood) version last published 4 years, 10 months ago
    This installer also requires the patch, see installer for download link. Patch MD5 is 4133020e5a7c9f74a633f586d231dc6b.Virustotal link:
    For some resolutions thandor.dat must be edited manually, see LinuxReadme after install and check the provided config files in customConfigs_Tools)!

"Thandor: Die Invasion" was developed by Planet4 with Thomas Gereke as lead developer and published in Germany by Innonics in January 2000.
In December of 2000 it also was published in Russia by Buka Entertainment as "Вторжение: Выжженная земля" and in Austria by JoWooD Entertainment AG under the name Thandor: The Invasion.

Thandor was one of the first real time strategy games released in 3D.

It uses DirectX 6.2, was programmed in an extended language based on MASM (Microsoft/Macro Assembler), the latest version released was 1.05.

The changes in 1.05 compared to 1.0 where:
- Problems where Thandor is detected as a DOS program have been fixed. (version 1.01)
- Crashes on many units and enemies are fixed. Old savegames may still contain bugs. (01)
- Fixed a bug with merged scores. Old scores remain affected. (01)
- Fixed bug in game scores saved during building placement. Also here old savegames are affected. (01)
- The mouse pointer should no longer stop (not tested!). (01)
- New keyboard shortcuts: SHIFT+S stops the selected units, but they keep firing; ALT+S stops firing the selected units, but they keep moving. (01)
- New keyboard shortcuts: G speeds up the game, ALT+G slows down the game. It can be accelerated up to 5x. (4x and 5x to use only for a short time!)
If the swap file has too little memory available, a corresponding error message is displayed instead of a crash. (02)
- Fixed a bug in Patch02 (airplane crashes). (03)
- Units that have mounted a repair module can now be controlled. (03)
- Changes to the AI. (04)
- Display external levels. (04)
- The game is now playable on Windows XP. (05)

The trademark Thandor is no longer registered nor does the publisher still exist (The rights to the game itself are still held by Thomas Gereke and three other persons)

  • Genre: Real-time strategy
  • Platform: Windows


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