Seiken Densetsu 2 (Secret of Mana)

released in 1993 by Square published by Square
  • libretro Nintendo Wii version
  • libretro Super Nintendo version
  • auto Steam(Auto) version
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Once upon a time, the power of Mana was used by all people and helped their civilization grow. But as evil forces took control of Mana Fortress, there was no way out but a war which destroyed the Mana-based civilization but eventually brought peace to people. The events of the past became but legends to the new generation of humans. But history repeats itself...

One day, a young village boy finds a rusty sword stuck at the bottom of a river. He doesn't know this sword is the famous Mana sword, the one that won so many battles before. By drawing the sword out of the river bottom, the boy unwillingly summons hordes of monsters, and is expelled from his village. A mysterious knight Jema is the only man who helps him and gives him instructions for the future. First, he must repair the sword, and then, with its help, take control of Mana seeds which can be found in eight great castles.

Secret of Mana is an action RPG, featuring real-time hack-and-slash type of combat. The protagonist has a stamina gauge: the more stamina he has, the more powerful his strike is. It is possible to upgrade weapons and abilities and meet many different types of monsters, while roaming around the country and performing quests.

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