Second Chance Heroes

released in 2014
  • auto Steam(Auto) version
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A cooperative action adventure where you collect preposterous historical figures to fight waves of strange monsters. To fight this menace, you - the ruler of all these rulers - must work together with your friends and make sure no wars break out on the way to ultimate victory.Just this once, you\'ll find Napoleon needs to rally around Queen Elizabeth\'s Union Jack in order to heal and survive. Joan of Arc will leap to the rescue of a beleaguered chainsaw wielding Abraham Lincoln, and if all else goes wrong, Napoleon\'s self-propelled traveling cannon will clear the path for the others.\"Don\'t tell these idiots how it works!\" Napoleon yelled. \"I\'ve got a patent and until they reanimate Thomas Edison, I intend to keep it!\"Second Chance Heroes is a game of rivals, who are forced to be friends to kill re-animated cheeseburgers. These legends of the history books are being cooperative. So should you. As they say, those who command their clones as a team collect the most zombie gold.