Red String of Fate

released in 2017
  • auto Steam(Auto) version
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Few understand Valerie's determination to someday make her dream of traveling the world come true, but that's because she has never shared the real reason. Born with the ability to see every person's red string of fate leading them to their soulmate, Valerie is tortured by the fact that her own string is either conveniently invisible to her or so faint that it can hardly be seen, which can only mean that her soulmate is on the opposite side of the Earth. Of course, Valerie chooses to believe in the latter.

Now starting her first year in university, Valerie is struggling to balance her studies and her multiple part time jobs to save up for the money to fund her travels to search for her soulmate. Even though she has no intention to meet anyone and fall in love, it seems like fate has other plans for her--and she might just meet someone who will make her question what she has always wanted and believed in.

  • Genre: Visual novel
  • Platform: Browser, Linux, Mac, Windows

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