Psycho on the loose

released in 2016
  • auto Steam(Auto) version
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An assassin with a rise in his career to kill his target is out on a murdering spree. He is out there with alot of motives but his main motive is two eliminate all targets and who ever may get in his way. He is stealthy with his moves and he always watches his back, he changes outfits to suit his missions and has a van with a variety of weapons to choose from, they range from your smaller weapons to the larger weapons, even throwables such as, grenades and molotoves. If he is not careful and is to roucous then he has more then just his target to deal with when backup arrives. His missions take him from woodlands to suburb and cities, no matter if its day or night.

You are him so make sure you are stealthy, move corpse to not alert those around. Earn money from each person killed, pass the level and you get to keep your earnings, die and loose all money earned. With a variety of maps and missions, it shall take you into places day or night. Be prepared and select weapons to help you. Good luck Cane!