released in 2017
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PLUTONIUM: Distorted ShelterPLUTONIUM: Distorted Shelter is a game about a major event that took place in a highly developed city state called Plutonium. Plutonium, with its powerful military force and rapid economic growth; the Shelter, with its harmony among diverse races. What could have possibly gone wrong in such a flawless world? Players will control some of the habitants of Plutonium to interact with and understand the universe of the main game.- This game is a prequel to the main game, FLUTONIUM, and it aims to introduce the universe of the game to the players.- Our main playable character of the game, Guardi, cannot be controlled yet in the prequel.- The mouse pointer being visible in the trailer video might be intended, don't you think? .. Or not.Copyright Ch.ZBK. All Rights Reserved.