libretro Arcade version
At the end of Ibara the Negotiators Bond and Dyne were able to successfully defeat Rose Garden's five guardians, and apprehend the group's leader Dr. Teresa Rose, successfully ending the invasion. Dr. Teresa would go on to face judgment at the Western European Union. Meanwhile, in a dark room in the middle of the night, two girls, dressed in pink were talking to an enormous man sitting at a table. "My arms have gotten heavier recently" one stated. "My foot has gone dull recently." said the other. "Hmm... it appears my skills aren't enough." said the man, "I know of an incredibly gifted prosthetics engineer in Edelweiss. We'll have her take a look." The next morning the man awoke to a terrible sight, the headline of his newspaper read that Teresa Rose would be sentenced to be exiled on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. But this was perfect for Big Burn, who easily arranged for her to be released into his personal care; Dr. Teresa was his wife, after all. With no hope left, Dr. Teresa quietly did as he was told, creating four "maids" at his command. Suddenly the minions of Big Burn are in a panic, informing him that the Western Union peacekeeping headquarters has been raided. The small combat group appeared to be wearing the coat of arms of the "Rose Garden". Dr. Teresa's eyes lit up once again, "My daughters...are still alive!" Far off in the distance, four ships rose up over the horizon.

- Genre: Arcade, Shoot'em up
- Platform: Arcade, Xbox 360