
released in 2016
  • auto Steam(Auto) version
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Orczz is a fantasy tower defense game set in the fantasy Kingdom of Whiteleaf, famous for its delicious honey wine – the mead.
The player controls the Knight Order of the Mug, protectors of Whiteleaf and the mead, who are once again called to defend the land against an invading horde of orcs.
The game features a story driven campaign with 6 different areas, minigames, achievements and 40 different units.

- No flying cows in the final version.
- More alcohol than you can shake a beer mug at.
- 40+ different units - and half of them are green.
- Great minigames - watch out for anvils!
- Superior graphics - forget ugly 3D, we're ugly in 2D.
- Adorably violent - fun for all the family.
- Child-friendly (yes, even the bits with booze!)