
released in 2020
  • auto GOG(Auto) version
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  • auto Steam(Auto) version
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Upon waking from a coma, Peet's girlfriend is nowhere to be found. Thomas Brush, creator of Pinstripe, invites you to investigate the screams coming from the heart of Blackfork Asylum, the increasingly violent behavior of the grown-ups, and the strange truth about Peet's past in this hauntingly dreamlike fable. Discover what's lurking beyond the doorbell in this strange tale that started almost a decade ago.

From Red Wind Field to the haunting halls of Blackfork Asylum, explore six moody, illustrative levels.
Fight your way through hordes of bosses, monsters, and blood thirsty grown-ups with your trusty baseball bat.
Immerse yourself in a breathtaking piano-centric soundtrack.
Join your quirky child-hood pals and trusty pet bird on an adventure to discover the truth about your recent coma.

  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Platform
  • Platform: Linux, Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 4, Windows, Xbox One

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