
released in 2017
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In Distant Space, An alien species, the Tono Gian, have been fighting their own A.I. creations to find resourceful planets. The A.I. project, Nightsithe, was originally designed to harvest other planets for their people but now have revolted against their masters. A Tono Gian ship crashed on the planet, Plemniba, a planet that once had a civilization, but has already taken by the Nightsithe. The only survivor of the ship goes by the name, Nelo. Nelo Hybrids Elements of retro arcade twin-stick shooters with elements of modern games. Nelo Main Weapon are four telekinetic controlled, mechanical Hand that allow Him to wield four conventional weapons at once and gives him the flexibility to fire in all direction. Nelo's alien suit gives him super speed and agility to combat the overwhelming swarms of the Nightsithe.