Need For Speed Heat

released in 2019 by Ghost Games published by Electronic Arts

Need for Speed Heat is a racing game set in an open world environment called Palm City, a fictionalized version of the city of Miami, Florida and its surrounding area. The in-game map features diverse geography, including mountainous areas and open fields.[9] Unlike Need for Speed Payback, the game does not includes 24-hour day-night cycle, but players can switch between day and night. During the day, players can take part in sanctioned race events, which reward players with cash to spend on new cars and upgrades. They can also take part in illegal street races at night, which would earn players rep. The more rep player earns, the more aggressive the police will be during the night. Players must escape the cops and get back to their safe house, before they are getting busted, or the car is destroyed. The game also features a storyline in which the players interact with the city’s police force, led by authority figure Lt. Mercer.


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