Metal Head

released in 1995
  • libretro Sega 32X version

Bullets fly and circuits try in heavy-duty cyborg techno-slaughter. You control Metal Head, the ultimate cyborg warrior, patrolling the charred urban destruction of the great war. And a murderous mecha-force is gunning for you!

INCREDIBLE 3-D textured polygon graphics engulf Metal Head in searing firefights as cyber troops, hover craft and ground attack vehicles annihilate the planet!

You are the ultimate tech-destroyer - with chain guns, missiles, radar tracking and Heads-up Display!

Head-banging heavy-metal music amps you up for pure warfare!

24 megs of cyber-combat rock through war torn urban streets, bombed out farmland, scorched forests and bullet-riddled 'burbs!

  • Platform: Sega 32X


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