Mahou Gakuen Lunar!

released in 1997
  • libretro Sega Saturn version

Magical School LUNAR! is technically a remake, but it's practically its own independent story. MSL featured completely re-done graphics from top-to-bottom, several new characters, full animation sequences and voice, and so many storyline changes that it's effectively a different game.

Like its predecessor, the story takes place approximately 300 years before the events of Lunar: The Silver Star. It follows Elie (Ellie), Rena (Lena), and Senia, three girls recruited for the Magic School of Ien, an elite magic school on an island that moves around on the ocean. Along the way they find friends, like the shy Wyn (Wing) and overconfident Blade.

They find rivals, like the bratty trio of Ant, Rick, and Kule. And they find enemies, like the ominous Memphis and Barua, and the mysterious castle known as "D". Plots involving finding a professor, saving the school, fighting off the Vile Tribe, rescuing the Blue Dragon, and learning how to work together, all form a part of the story.

  • Platform: Sega Saturn


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