rpcs3 Sony Playstation 3 version
If you were to stand on LittleBigPlanet and try to imagine a more astounding, fantastic, and creative place, full of enthralling adventure, uncanny characters, and brilliant things to do... you couldn’t. All imagination is here, and what you do with it all is entirely up to you.
Build new levels and expand the environment, collect the many and varied tools and objects to make your mark on this world, or just simply enjoy the people and puzzles they’ve set.
LittleBigPlanet is the manifested embodiment of your perfect dream world...
Winner of over 80 prominent awards, including several Game of the Year awards, LittleBigPlanet returns with its signature "Play, Create and Share" experience plus irresistible new bonus content valued over $30! With the new Game of the Year Edition, players can play 18 brand new levels, create their own experiences with bonus costume and level packs--including the Metal Gear Solid Level Pack--then go online to share their levels with other players around the world or play over 1 Million user generated levels that have been uploaded since the launch of the original game release. There is no better time to join the world of LittleBigPlanet!