DOSBox GOG version Rating: ✅ PLAYABLE last published 3 months, 1 week agoIncludes a fix for the game-breaking bug in Orbitus 2.
DOSBox Holiday Hare 1994 version last published 11 months, 3 weeks agoStandalone extra "episode", originally released as the "Christmas Edition"
DOSBox Holiday Hare 1995 version last published 11 months, 3 weeks agoStandalone extra "episode", different from Holiday Hare 1994 despite having the same name.
DOSBox Shareware version last published 11 months, 3 weeks ago
auto GOG(Auto) versionMake sure you have connected your GOG account in Lutris and that you own this game.
Fasten your seatbelts for the ride of your life! Jazz Jackrabbit is coming toward you at light speed, and this little bunny carries a REALLY big gun. The evil turtle emperor Devan Shell has rabbitnapped the beloved princess Eva Earlong. Now he's swiping all the goodies in the galaxy to support his plot of Galactic Rabbit Destruction!! Features ultra-fast scrolling, 256-color graphics and rocking digital audio...this tough little bunny will leave Sonic in his tracks!!!

- Genre: Action, Platform, Shooter
- Platform: MS-DOS
- Website: web.archive.org/web/19990421115512/http://www.epicgames.com/jazz.htm