Installer digital-paintball-2-20-build-46-linux

- gamefiles:
  exe: paintball2
- extract:
    dst: $GAMEDIR/
    file: gamefiles
- write_file:
    content: 'bind "TAB" "+scores"

      bind "ENTER" "invuse"

      bind "SPACE" "+moveup"

      bind "''" "toggleconsole"

      bind "0" "nextspawn"

      bind "1" "dropgun"

      bind "2" "dropbarrel"

      bind "3" "drophopper"

      bind "4" "dropco2"

      bind "5" "dropammo large"

      bind "6" "dropgren"

      bind "7" "empty_co2"

      bind "8" "dropflag"

      bind "9" "alive"

      bind "[" "invprev"

      bind "]" "invnext"

      bind "A" "+moveleft"

      bind "D" "+moveright"

      bind "E" "empty_co2"

      bind "G" "tossgren"

      bind "N" "noclip"

      bind "P" "camera"

      bind "R" "empty_co2"

      bind "S" "+back"

      bind "T" "messagemode"

      bind "W" "+forward"

      bind "Y" "messagemode2"

      bind "BACKSPACE" "dropgun"

      bind "UPARROW" "+forward"

      bind "DOWNARROW" "+back"

      bind "LEFTARROW" "+moveleft"

      bind "RIGHTARROW" "+moveright"

      bind "ALT" "+strafe"

      bind "CTRL" "+movedown"

      bind "SHIFT" "+speed"

      bind "F1" "+scores"

      bind "F9" "noclip"

      bind "F12" "screenshot"

      bind "KP_HOME" "join blue"

      bind "KP_PGUP" "join purple"

      bind "KP_5" "join observer"

      bind "KP_END" "join red"

      bind "KP_PGDN" "join yellow"

      bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"

      bind "MOUSE3" "+tossgren"

      seta menu_server ""

      seta cl_tutorialcomplete "0"

      seta elim "60"

      seta bob_style "0"

      seta cl_hudstyle "1"

      seta cl_vwep "1"

      seta gender "male"

      seta msg "0"

      seta rate "25000"

      seta skin "male/pb2b"

      seta name "noname6594"

      seta m_doubleclickspeed "200"

      seta m_invert "0"

      seta lookspring "0"

      seta cl_run "1"

      seta cl_menuback "conback"

      seta cl_conback "conback"

      seta cl_consoleheight "0.5"

      seta cl_fast_download "1"

      seta cl_centerprintkills "1"

      seta cl_passwordpopup "1"

      seta cl_swearfilter "1"

      seta cl_scoreboard_sorting "2"

      seta cl_autorecord "0"

      seta cl_drawping "0"

      seta cl_maptimey "-1"

      seta cl_maptimex "-1"

      seta cl_maptime "0"

      seta cl_drawclocky "-1"

      seta cl_drawclockx "-1"

      seta cl_drawclock "0"

      seta cl_menu "default"

      seta cl_language "english"

      seta cl_timestamp "0"

      seta cl_drawtexinfo "0"

      seta cl_drawpps "0"

      seta cl_drawfps "0"

      seta cl_sleep "0"

      seta cl_cmdrate "60"

      seta cl_locknetfps "0"

      seta cl_maxfps "0"

      seta cl_stereo_separation "0.4"

      seta cd_nocd "1"

      seta viewsize "100"

      seta crosshair "2"

      seta r_fakeFullscreen "0"

      seta r_oldmodels "0"

      seta r_reflectivewater_max "2"

      seta r_reflectivewater "1"

      seta r_caustics "2"

      seta vid_lighten "0"

      seta vid_resolution "640x480"

      seta gl_3dlabs_broken "1"

      seta gl_swapinterval "1"

      seta vid_gamma_hw "0"

      seta gl_motionblur "0"

      seta gl_stainmaps "1"

      seta gl_screenshot_jpeg_quality "90"

      seta gl_screenshot_jpeg "1"

      seta gl_ext_texture_compression "0"

      seta gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"

      seta gl_ext_pointparameters "0"

      seta gl_ext_multitexture "1"

      seta gl_vertex_arrays "0"

      seta gl_texturesolidmode "default"

      seta gl_texturealphamode "default"

      seta gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"

      seta gl_driver ""

      seta gl_finish "1"

      seta gl_shadows "0"

      seta cl_crosshairscale "2"

      seta cl_hudscale "2"

      seta gl_free_unused_textures "1"

      seta gl_hash_textures "1"

      seta gl_textshadow "1"

      seta gl_lightmapgamma ".6"

      seta gl_autobrightness "1"

      seta gl_brightness "0"

      seta gl_overbright "1"

      seta gl_anisotropy "8"

      seta gl_lightmap_saturation "1"

      seta gl_highres_textures "1"

      seta gl_texture_saturation "1"

      seta gl_particle_att_c "0.01"

      seta gl_particle_att_b "0.0"

      seta gl_particle_att_a "0.01"

      seta gl_particle_size "40"

      seta gl_particle_max_size "40"

      seta gl_particle_min_size "2"

      seta gl_allow_software "0"

      seta hand "0"

      seta gl_arb_fragment_program "1"

      seta gl_sgis_generate_mipmap "0"

      seta gl_debug "0"

      seta m_pitch "0.022000"

      seta exponential_speedup "0"

      seta sensitivity "3"

      seta lookstrafe "0"

      seta m_fovscale "1"

      seta fov "90"

      seta freelook "1"

      seta in_mouse "1"

      seta gl_mode "3"

      seta vid_gamma "1"

      seta vid_fullscreen "0"

      seta vid_ypos "22"

      seta vid_xpos "3"

      seta vid_ref "pbgl"

      seta snddevice "/dev/dsp"

      seta sndchannels "2"

      seta sndspeed "0"

      seta sndbits "16"

      seta snd_driver "sdl"

      seta s_a3d "0"

      seta s_primary "0"

      seta s_mixahead "0.2"

      seta s_volume "0.5"

      seta s_nojump "1"

      seta s_resamplequality "2"

      seta s_loadas8bit "0"

      seta s_khz "48"

      seta s_force48khz "1"

      seta con_notifytime "3"

      seta sv_reconnect_limit "3"

      seta allow_download_maps "1"

      seta allow_download_sounds "1"

      seta allow_download_models "1"

      seta allow_download_players "1"

      seta allow_download "1"

      seta hostname "Paintball 2.0 (build 43)"

      seta splattime "4"'
    file: $GAMEDIR/pball/configs/config.cfg
description: Sets up the native version of the game
game_slug: digital-paintball-2
gogslug: ''
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: digital-paintball-2-20-build-46-linux
name: Digital Paintball 2
notes: You probably want to use the wine version because the Linux port has numerous
  quality of life issues. If you still decide to use this one, please make sure you
  have 32 bit versions of libjpeg6 and sdl 1.2 installed
runner: linux
  - gamefiles:
    exe: paintball2
  - extract:
      dst: $GAMEDIR/
      file: gamefiles
  - write_file:
      content: 'bind "TAB" "+scores"

        bind "ENTER" "invuse"

        bind "SPACE" "+moveup"

        bind "''" "toggleconsole"

        bind "0" "nextspawn"

        bind "1" "dropgun"

        bind "2" "dropbarrel"

        bind "3" "drophopper"

        bind "4" "dropco2"

        bind "5" "dropammo large"

        bind "6" "dropgren"

        bind "7" "empty_co2"

        bind "8" "dropflag"

        bind "9" "alive"

        bind "[" "invprev"

        bind "]" "invnext"

        bind "A" "+moveleft"

        bind "D" "+moveright"

        bind "E" "empty_co2"

        bind "G" "tossgren"

        bind "N" "noclip"

        bind "P" "camera"

        bind "R" "empty_co2"

        bind "S" "+back"

        bind "T" "messagemode"

        bind "W" "+forward"

        bind "Y" "messagemode2"

        bind "BACKSPACE" "dropgun"

        bind "UPARROW" "+forward"

        bind "DOWNARROW" "+back"

        bind "LEFTARROW" "+moveleft"

        bind "RIGHTARROW" "+moveright"

        bind "ALT" "+strafe"

        bind "CTRL" "+movedown"

        bind "SHIFT" "+speed"

        bind "F1" "+scores"

        bind "F9" "noclip"

        bind "F12" "screenshot"

        bind "KP_HOME" "join blue"

        bind "KP_PGUP" "join purple"

        bind "KP_5" "join observer"

        bind "KP_END" "join red"

        bind "KP_PGDN" "join yellow"

        bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"

        bind "MOUSE3" "+tossgren"

        seta menu_server ""

        seta cl_tutorialcomplete "0"

        seta elim "60"

        seta bob_style "0"

        seta cl_hudstyle "1"

        seta cl_vwep "1"

        seta gender "male"

        seta msg "0"

        seta rate "25000"

        seta skin "male/pb2b"

        seta name "noname6594"

        seta m_doubleclickspeed "200"

        seta m_invert "0"

        seta lookspring "0"

        seta cl_run "1"

        seta cl_menuback "conback"

        seta cl_conback "conback"

        seta cl_consoleheight "0.5"

        seta cl_fast_download "1"

        seta cl_centerprintkills "1"

        seta cl_passwordpopup "1"

        seta cl_swearfilter "1"

        seta cl_scoreboard_sorting "2"

        seta cl_autorecord "0"

        seta cl_drawping "0"

        seta cl_maptimey "-1"

        seta cl_maptimex "-1"

        seta cl_maptime "0"

        seta cl_drawclocky "-1"

        seta cl_drawclockx "-1"

        seta cl_drawclock "0"

        seta cl_menu "default"

        seta cl_language "english"

        seta cl_timestamp "0"

        seta cl_drawtexinfo "0"

        seta cl_drawpps "0"

        seta cl_drawfps "0"

        seta cl_sleep "0"

        seta cl_cmdrate "60"

        seta cl_locknetfps "0"

        seta cl_maxfps "0"

        seta cl_stereo_separation "0.4"

        seta cd_nocd "1"

        seta viewsize "100"

        seta crosshair "2"

        seta r_fakeFullscreen "0"

        seta r_oldmodels "0"

        seta r_reflectivewater_max "2"

        seta r_reflectivewater "1"

        seta r_caustics "2"

        seta vid_lighten "0"

        seta vid_resolution "640x480"

        seta gl_3dlabs_broken "1"

        seta gl_swapinterval "1"

        seta vid_gamma_hw "0"

        seta gl_motionblur "0"

        seta gl_stainmaps "1"

        seta gl_screenshot_jpeg_quality "90"

        seta gl_screenshot_jpeg "1"

        seta gl_ext_texture_compression "0"

        seta gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"

        seta gl_ext_pointparameters "0"

        seta gl_ext_multitexture "1"

        seta gl_vertex_arrays "0"

        seta gl_texturesolidmode "default"

        seta gl_texturealphamode "default"

        seta gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"

        seta gl_driver ""

        seta gl_finish "1"

        seta gl_shadows "0"

        seta cl_crosshairscale "2"

        seta cl_hudscale "2"

        seta gl_free_unused_textures "1"

        seta gl_hash_textures "1"

        seta gl_textshadow "1"

        seta gl_lightmapgamma ".6"

        seta gl_autobrightness "1"

        seta gl_brightness "0"

        seta gl_overbright "1"

        seta gl_anisotropy "8"

        seta gl_lightmap_saturation "1"

        seta gl_highres_textures "1"

        seta gl_texture_saturation "1"

        seta gl_particle_att_c "0.01"

        seta gl_particle_att_b "0.0"

        seta gl_particle_att_a "0.01"

        seta gl_particle_size "40"

        seta gl_particle_max_size "40"

        seta gl_particle_min_size "2"

        seta gl_allow_software "0"

        seta hand "0"

        seta gl_arb_fragment_program "1"

        seta gl_sgis_generate_mipmap "0"

        seta gl_debug "0"

        seta m_pitch "0.022000"

        seta exponential_speedup "0"

        seta sensitivity "3"

        seta lookstrafe "0"

        seta m_fovscale "1"

        seta fov "90"

        seta freelook "1"

        seta in_mouse "1"

        seta gl_mode "3"

        seta vid_gamma "1"

        seta vid_fullscreen "0"

        seta vid_ypos "22"

        seta vid_xpos "3"

        seta vid_ref "pbgl"

        seta snddevice "/dev/dsp"

        seta sndchannels "2"

        seta sndspeed "0"

        seta sndbits "16"

        seta snd_driver "sdl"

        seta s_a3d "0"

        seta s_primary "0"

        seta s_mixahead "0.2"

        seta s_volume "0.5"

        seta s_nojump "1"

        seta s_resamplequality "2"

        seta s_loadas8bit "0"

        seta s_khz "48"

        seta s_force48khz "1"

        seta con_notifytime "3"

        seta sv_reconnect_limit "3"

        seta allow_download_maps "1"

        seta allow_download_sounds "1"

        seta allow_download_models "1"

        seta allow_download_players "1"

        seta allow_download "1"

        seta hostname "Paintball 2.0 (build 43)"

        seta splattime "4"'
      file: $GAMEDIR/pball/configs/config.cfg
slug: digital-paintball-2-20-build-46-linux
steamid: null
version: 2.0 (build 46) Linux
year: 1998
  "game_slug": "digital-paintball-2",
  "version": "2.0 (build 46) Linux",
  "description": "Sets up the native version of the game",
  "notes": "You probably want to use the wine version because the Linux port has numerous quality of life issues. If you still decide to use this one, please make sure you have 32 bit versions of libjpeg6 and sdl 1.2 installed",
  "name": "Digital Paintball 2",
  "year": 1998,
  "steamid": null,
  "gogslug": "",
  "humblestoreid": "",
  "runner": "linux",
  "slug": "digital-paintball-2-20-build-46-linux",
  "installer_slug": "digital-paintball-2-20-build-46-linux",
  "script": {
    "files": [
        "gamefiles": ""
    "game": {
      "exe": "paintball2"
    "installer": [
        "extract": {
          "dst": "$GAMEDIR/",
          "file": "gamefiles"
        "write_file": {
          "content": "bind \"TAB\" \"+scores\"\nbind \"ENTER\" \"invuse\"\nbind \"SPACE\" \"+moveup\"\nbind \"'\" \"toggleconsole\"\nbind \"0\" \"nextspawn\"\nbind \"1\" \"dropgun\"\nbind \"2\" \"dropbarrel\"\nbind \"3\" \"drophopper\"\nbind \"4\" \"dropco2\"\nbind \"5\" \"dropammo large\"\nbind \"6\" \"dropgren\"\nbind \"7\" \"empty_co2\"\nbind \"8\" \"dropflag\"\nbind \"9\" \"alive\"\nbind \"[\" \"invprev\"\nbind \"]\" \"invnext\"\nbind \"A\" \"+moveleft\"\nbind \"D\" \"+moveright\"\nbind \"E\" \"empty_co2\"\nbind \"G\" \"tossgren\"\nbind \"N\" \"noclip\"\nbind \"P\" \"camera\"\nbind \"R\" \"empty_co2\"\nbind \"S\" \"+back\"\nbind \"T\" \"messagemode\"\nbind \"W\" \"+forward\"\nbind \"Y\" \"messagemode2\"\nbind \"BACKSPACE\" \"dropgun\"\nbind \"UPARROW\" \"+forward\"\nbind \"DOWNARROW\" \"+back\"\nbind \"LEFTARROW\" \"+moveleft\"\nbind \"RIGHTARROW\" \"+moveright\"\nbind \"ALT\" \"+strafe\"\nbind \"CTRL\" \"+movedown\"\nbind \"SHIFT\" \"+speed\"\nbind \"F1\" \"+scores\"\nbind \"F9\" \"noclip\"\nbind \"F12\" \"screenshot\"\nbind \"KP_HOME\" \"join blue\"\nbind \"KP_PGUP\" \"join purple\"\nbind \"KP_5\" \"join observer\"\nbind \"KP_END\" \"join red\"\nbind \"KP_PGDN\" \"join yellow\"\nbind \"MOUSE1\" \"+attack\"\nbind \"MOUSE3\" \"+tossgren\"\nseta menu_server \"\"\nseta cl_tutorialcomplete \"0\"\nseta elim \"60\"\nseta bob_style \"0\"\nseta cl_hudstyle \"1\"\nseta cl_vwep \"1\"\nseta gender \"male\"\nseta msg \"0\"\nseta rate \"25000\"\nseta skin \"male/pb2b\"\nseta name \"noname6594\"\nseta m_doubleclickspeed \"200\"\nseta m_invert \"0\"\nseta lookspring \"0\"\nseta cl_run \"1\"\nseta cl_menuback \"conback\"\nseta cl_conback \"conback\"\nseta cl_consoleheight \"0.5\"\nseta cl_fast_download \"1\"\nseta cl_centerprintkills \"1\"\nseta cl_passwordpopup \"1\"\nseta cl_swearfilter \"1\"\nseta cl_scoreboard_sorting \"2\"\nseta cl_autorecord \"0\"\nseta cl_drawping \"0\"\nseta cl_maptimey \"-1\"\nseta cl_maptimex \"-1\"\nseta cl_maptime \"0\"\nseta cl_drawclocky \"-1\"\nseta cl_drawclockx \"-1\"\nseta cl_drawclock \"0\"\nseta cl_menu \"default\"\nseta cl_language \"english\"\nseta cl_timestamp \"0\"\nseta cl_drawtexinfo \"0\"\nseta cl_drawpps \"0\"\nseta cl_drawfps \"0\"\nseta cl_sleep \"0\"\nseta cl_cmdrate \"60\"\nseta cl_locknetfps \"0\"\nseta cl_maxfps \"0\"\nseta cl_stereo_separation \"0.4\"\nseta cd_nocd \"1\"\nseta viewsize \"100\"\nseta crosshair \"2\"\nseta r_fakeFullscreen \"0\"\nseta r_oldmodels \"0\"\nseta r_reflectivewater_max \"2\"\nseta r_reflectivewater \"1\"\nseta r_caustics \"2\"\nseta vid_lighten \"0\"\nseta vid_resolution \"640x480\"\nseta gl_3dlabs_broken \"1\"\nseta gl_swapinterval \"1\"\nseta vid_gamma_hw \"0\"\nseta gl_motionblur \"0\"\nseta gl_stainmaps \"1\"\nseta gl_screenshot_jpeg_quality \"90\"\nseta gl_screenshot_jpeg \"1\"\nseta gl_ext_texture_compression \"0\"\nseta gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array \"1\"\nseta gl_ext_pointparameters \"0\"\nseta gl_ext_multitexture \"1\"\nseta gl_vertex_arrays \"0\"\nseta gl_texturesolidmode \"default\"\nseta gl_texturealphamode \"default\"\nseta gl_texturemode \"GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR\"\nseta gl_driver \"\"\nseta gl_finish \"1\"\nseta gl_shadows \"0\"\nseta cl_crosshairscale \"2\"\nseta cl_hudscale \"2\"\nseta gl_free_unused_textures \"1\"\nseta gl_hash_textures \"1\"\nseta gl_textshadow \"1\"\nseta gl_lightmapgamma \".6\"\nseta gl_autobrightness \"1\"\nseta gl_brightness \"0\"\nseta gl_overbright \"1\"\nseta gl_anisotropy \"8\"\nseta gl_lightmap_saturation \"1\"\nseta gl_highres_textures \"1\"\nseta gl_texture_saturation \"1\"\nseta gl_particle_att_c \"0.01\"\nseta gl_particle_att_b \"0.0\"\nseta gl_particle_att_a \"0.01\"\nseta gl_particle_size \"40\"\nseta gl_particle_max_size \"40\"\nseta gl_particle_min_size \"2\"\nseta gl_allow_software \"0\"\nseta hand \"0\"\nseta gl_arb_fragment_program \"1\"\nseta gl_sgis_generate_mipmap \"0\"\nseta gl_debug \"0\"\nseta m_pitch \"0.022000\"\nseta exponential_speedup \"0\"\nseta sensitivity \"3\"\nseta lookstrafe \"0\"\nseta m_fovscale \"1\"\nseta fov \"90\"\nseta freelook \"1\"\nseta in_mouse \"1\"\nseta gl_mode \"3\"\nseta vid_gamma \"1\"\nseta vid_fullscreen \"0\"\nseta vid_ypos \"22\"\nseta vid_xpos \"3\"\nseta vid_ref \"pbgl\"\nseta snddevice \"/dev/dsp\"\nseta sndchannels \"2\"\nseta sndspeed \"0\"\nseta sndbits \"16\"\nseta snd_driver \"sdl\"\nseta s_a3d \"0\"\nseta s_primary \"0\"\nseta s_mixahead \"0.2\"\nseta s_volume \"0.5\"\nseta s_nojump \"1\"\nseta s_resamplequality \"2\"\nseta s_loadas8bit \"0\"\nseta s_khz \"48\"\nseta s_force48khz \"1\"\nseta con_notifytime \"3\"\nseta sv_reconnect_limit \"3\"\nseta allow_download_maps \"1\"\nseta allow_download_sounds \"1\"\nseta allow_download_models \"1\"\nseta allow_download_players \"1\"\nseta allow_download \"1\"\nseta hostname \"Paintball 2.0 (build 43)\"\nseta splattime \"4\"",
          "file": "$GAMEDIR/pball/configs/config.cfg"
Back to game