Installer magic-carpet-cd

  config_file: $GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf
  main_file: $GAMEDIR/carpet.exe
- insert-disc:
    requires: carpet.exe
- merge:
    dst: $GAMEDIR
    src: $DISC
- write_config:
    file: $GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf
    key: memsize
    section: dosbox
    value: 64
- write_config:
    file: $GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf
    key: cycles
    section: cpu
    value: fixed 45000
- write_config:
    file: $GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf
    key: cycleup
    section: cpu
    value: 5000
- write_config:
    file: $GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf
    key: cycledown
    section: cpu
    value: 5000
description: null
game_slug: magic-carpet
gogslug: magic_carpet
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: magic-carpet-cd
name: Magic Carpet
notes: "After startup, the game will ask for a language and the sound setup.\r\nChoose\
  \ \"Soundblaster Compatible\", then the highest values in the following options.\
  \ This seems to work just fine with the default config of DOSBox.\r\n\r\nOnce in\
  \ the game, hit 'R' to switch to high-res mode or cycle down to ~25000-30000 cycles\
  \ (Ctrl-F11 + Ctrl-F12) to get a playable speed."
runner: dosbox
    config_file: $GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf
    main_file: $GAMEDIR/carpet.exe
  - insert-disc:
      requires: carpet.exe
  - merge:
      dst: $GAMEDIR
      src: $DISC
  - write_config:
      file: $GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf
      key: memsize
      section: dosbox
      value: 64
  - write_config:
      file: $GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf
      key: cycles
      section: cpu
      value: fixed 45000
  - write_config:
      file: $GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf
      key: cycleup
      section: cpu
      value: 5000
  - write_config:
      file: $GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf
      key: cycledown
      section: cpu
      value: 5000
slug: magic-carpet-cd
steamid: null
version: CD
year: 1994
  "game_slug": "magic-carpet",
  "version": "CD",
  "description": null,
  "notes": "After startup, the game will ask for a language and the sound setup.\r\nChoose \"Soundblaster Compatible\", then the highest values in the following options. This seems to work just fine with the default config of DOSBox.\r\n\r\nOnce in the game, hit 'R' to switch to high-res mode or cycle down to ~25000-30000 cycles (Ctrl-F11 + Ctrl-F12) to get a playable speed.",
  "name": "Magic Carpet",
  "year": 1994,
  "steamid": null,
  "gogslug": "magic_carpet",
  "humblestoreid": "",
  "runner": "dosbox",
  "slug": "magic-carpet-cd",
  "installer_slug": "magic-carpet-cd",
  "script": {
    "game": {
      "config_file": "$GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf",
      "main_file": "$GAMEDIR/carpet.exe"
    "installer": [
        "insert-disc": {
          "requires": "carpet.exe"
        "merge": {
          "dst": "$GAMEDIR",
          "src": "$DISC"
        "write_config": {
          "file": "$GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf",
          "key": "memsize",
          "section": "dosbox",
          "value": 64
        "write_config": {
          "file": "$GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf",
          "key": "cycles",
          "section": "cpu",
          "value": "fixed 45000"
        "write_config": {
          "file": "$GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf",
          "key": "cycleup",
          "section": "cpu",
          "value": 5000
        "write_config": {
          "file": "$GAMEDIR/dosbox_carpet.conf",
          "key": "cycledown",
          "section": "cpu",
          "value": 5000
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