description: Fullscreen mode has issues, keep it windowed. The game will continue
to run in the background after exiting, you have to kill it manually with the command
"pkill Loadout.exe". Also, the performances are bad for me.
game_slug: loadout
gogslug: ''
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: loadout-proton
name: Loadout
notes: ''
runner: steam
appid: 208090
slug: loadout-proton
steamid: 208090
version: Proton
year: 2014
"game_slug": "loadout",
"version": "Proton",
"description": "Fullscreen mode has issues, keep it windowed. The game will continue to run in the background after exiting, you have to kill it manually with the command \"pkill Loadout.exe\". Also, the performances are bad for me.",
"notes": "",
"name": "Loadout",
"year": 2014,
"steamid": 208090,
"gogslug": "",
"humblestoreid": "",
"runner": "steam",
"slug": "loadout-proton",
"installer_slug": "loadout-proton",
"script": {
"game": {
"appid": 208090