Installer star-wars-squadrons-100

- easetup:
  arch: win64
  args: /c C:/launch_star_wars_squadrons.bat
  exe: drive_c/windows/system32/cmd.exe
  - args: /c C:/launch_ea_and_epic_games.bat
    exe: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/windows/system32/cmd.exe
    name: Both EA App and Epic Games Store
  - exe: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/EA Desktop/EALauncher.exe
    name: EA app
  - args: -opengl -SkipBuildPatchPrereq
    exe: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/Launcher/Portal/Binaries/Win32/EpicGamesLauncher.exe
    name: Epic Games Store
  prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    arch: win64
    description: Creating Wine prefix
    install_gecko: true
    install_mono: true
    name: create_prefix
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- execute:
    command: mkdir -p "$GAMEDIR/nv-shaders"
- write_file:
    content: dxgi.nvapiHack = False
    file: $GAMEDIR/dxvk.conf
- task:
    app: arial d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47 d3dx9
    arch: win64
    description: Installing dependencies for the EA App
    name: winetricks
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    app: vcrun2019 corefonts win10
    arch: win64
    description: Installing dependencies for Epic Games Store
    name: winetricks
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    name: winekill
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    arch: win64
    args: /silent
    blocking: true
    description: Installing the EA app. If prompted, accept the wine gecko installation.
    executable: easetup
    include_processes: EAappInstaller.exe
    name: wineexec
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    name: winekill
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    arch: win64
    description: Installing Epic Games Store.
    exclude_processes: EpicGamesLauncher.exe
    executable: epicsetup
    name: wineexec
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    name: winekill
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- write_file:
    content: '@echo off

      start "Epic Games Store" "C:/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/Launcher/Portal/Binaries/Win32/EpicGamesLauncher.exe"
      -opengl -SkipBuildPatchPrereq

      start "EA App" "C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/EA Desktop/EALauncher.exe"

    file: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/launch_ea_and_epic_games.bat
- write_file:
    content: "@echo off\nif \"%~1\"==\"\" (\n  set squadronsLocation=\"C:/Program\
      \ Files/EA Games/STAR WARS Squadrons/starwarssquadrons_launcher.exe\"\n) else\
      \ (\n  set squadronsLocation=%1\n)\nif exist %squadronsLocation% (\n  %squadronsLocation%\n\
      ) else (\n  start cmd /c \"echo Could not find the Star Wars Squadrons executable:\
      \ & echo '%squadronsLocation%' & echo Please ensure you have installed it via\
      \ the EA App && pause\"\n)\n"
    file: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/launch_star_wars_squadrons.bat
  exclude_processes: EABackgroundService.exe QtWebEngineProcess.exe EpicWebHelper.exe
    nvapi,nvapi64: disabled
description: An installer for the Epic Games Store/EA app version of Star Wars Squadrons.
  This will install EGS and EA into the same prefix. After this install script completes,
  you will need to launch the Epic Games Store, sign in and accept the prompt to install
  Epic Online Services. You will also need to make sure you launch the EA app, sign
  in and install the game.
game_slug: star-wars-squadrons
gogslug: ''
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: star-wars-squadrons-100
name: 'Star Wars: Squadrons'
notes: "After the installer completes you will need to sign into both the Epic Games\
  \ Store and the EA app to install the game.\r\nBy default, this launcher will try\
  \ to launch Star Wars Squadrons from its default install location inside the wine\
  \ prefix. If you install it elsewhere, you must configure this launcher in Lutris,\
  \ go to Game options and add the path to the launch EXE as an argument.\r\nFor example,\
  \ if the game is located at \"/mnt/External Drive/Games/squadrons/\", you must add\
  \ \"Z:/mnt/External Drive/squadrons/starwarssquadrons_launcher.exe\" as an argument,\
  \ making sure to put quotes around any paths with spaces in them."
runner: wine
  - easetup:
    arch: win64
    args: /c C:/launch_star_wars_squadrons.bat
    exe: drive_c/windows/system32/cmd.exe
    - args: /c C:/launch_ea_and_epic_games.bat
      exe: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/windows/system32/cmd.exe
      name: Both EA App and Epic Games Store
    - exe: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/EA Desktop/EALauncher.exe
      name: EA app
    - args: -opengl -SkipBuildPatchPrereq
      exe: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/Launcher/Portal/Binaries/Win32/EpicGamesLauncher.exe
      name: Epic Games Store
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      arch: win64
      description: Creating Wine prefix
      install_gecko: true
      install_mono: true
      name: create_prefix
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - execute:
      command: mkdir -p "$GAMEDIR/nv-shaders"
  - write_file:
      content: dxgi.nvapiHack = False
      file: $GAMEDIR/dxvk.conf
  - task:
      app: arial d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47 d3dx9
      arch: win64
      description: Installing dependencies for the EA App
      name: winetricks
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      app: vcrun2019 corefonts win10
      arch: win64
      description: Installing dependencies for Epic Games Store
      name: winetricks
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      name: winekill
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      arch: win64
      args: /silent
      blocking: true
      description: Installing the EA app. If prompted, accept the wine gecko installation.
      executable: easetup
      include_processes: EAappInstaller.exe
      name: wineexec
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      name: winekill
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      arch: win64
      description: Installing Epic Games Store.
      exclude_processes: EpicGamesLauncher.exe
      executable: epicsetup
      name: wineexec
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      name: winekill
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - write_file:
      content: '@echo off

        start "Epic Games Store" "C:/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/Launcher/Portal/Binaries/Win32/EpicGamesLauncher.exe"
        -opengl -SkipBuildPatchPrereq

        start "EA App" "C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/EA Desktop/EALauncher.exe"

      file: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/launch_ea_and_epic_games.bat
  - write_file:
      content: "@echo off\nif \"%~1\"==\"\" (\n  set squadronsLocation=\"C:/Program\
        \ Files/EA Games/STAR WARS Squadrons/starwarssquadrons_launcher.exe\"\n) else\
        \ (\n  set squadronsLocation=%1\n)\nif exist %squadronsLocation% (\n  %squadronsLocation%\n\
        ) else (\n  start cmd /c \"echo Could not find the Star Wars Squadrons executable:\
        \ & echo '%squadronsLocation%' & echo Please ensure you have installed it\
        \ via the EA App && pause\"\n)\n"
      file: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/launch_star_wars_squadrons.bat
    exclude_processes: EABackgroundService.exe QtWebEngineProcess.exe EpicWebHelper.exe
      nvapi,nvapi64: disabled
slug: star-wars-squadrons-100
steamid: null
version: 1.0.0
year: 2020
  "game_slug": "star-wars-squadrons",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "An installer for the Epic Games Store/EA app version of Star Wars Squadrons. This will install EGS and EA into the same prefix. After this install script completes, you will need to launch the Epic Games Store, sign in and accept the prompt to install Epic Online Services. You will also need to make sure you launch the EA app, sign in and install the game.",
  "notes": "After the installer completes you will need to sign into both the Epic Games Store and the EA app to install the game.\r\nBy default, this launcher will try to launch Star Wars Squadrons from its default install location inside the wine prefix. If you install it elsewhere, you must configure this launcher in Lutris, go to Game options and add the path to the launch EXE as an argument.\r\nFor example, if the game is located at \"/mnt/External Drive/Games/squadrons/\", you must add \"Z:/mnt/External Drive/squadrons/starwarssquadrons_launcher.exe\" as an argument, making sure to put quotes around any paths with spaces in them.",
  "name": "Star Wars: Squadrons",
  "year": 2020,
  "steamid": null,
  "gogslug": "",
  "humblestoreid": "",
  "runner": "wine",
  "slug": "star-wars-squadrons-100",
  "installer_slug": "star-wars-squadrons-100",
  "script": {
    "files": [
        "easetup": "",
        "epicsetup": ""
    "game": {
      "arch": "win64",
      "args": "/c C:/launch_star_wars_squadrons.bat",
      "exe": "drive_c/windows/system32/cmd.exe",
      "launch_configs": [
          "args": "/c C:/launch_ea_and_epic_games.bat",
          "exe": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/windows/system32/cmd.exe",
          "name": "Both EA App and Epic Games Store"
          "exe": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/EA Desktop/EALauncher.exe",
          "name": "EA app"
          "args": "-opengl -SkipBuildPatchPrereq",
          "exe": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/Launcher/Portal/Binaries/Win32/EpicGamesLauncher.exe",
          "name": "Epic Games Store"
      "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
    "installer": [
        "task": {
          "arch": "win64",
          "description": "Creating Wine prefix",
          "install_gecko": true,
          "install_mono": true,
          "name": "create_prefix",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "execute": {
          "command": "mkdir -p \"$GAMEDIR/nv-shaders\""
        "write_file": {
          "content": "dxgi.nvapiHack = False",
          "file": "$GAMEDIR/dxvk.conf"
        "task": {
          "app": "arial d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47 d3dx9",
          "arch": "win64",
          "description": "Installing dependencies for the EA App",
          "name": "winetricks",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "task": {
          "app": "vcrun2019 corefonts win10",
          "arch": "win64",
          "description": "Installing dependencies for Epic Games Store",
          "name": "winetricks",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "task": {
          "name": "winekill",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "task": {
          "arch": "win64",
          "args": "/silent",
          "blocking": true,
          "description": "Installing the EA app. If prompted, accept the wine gecko installation.",
          "executable": "easetup",
          "include_processes": "EAappInstaller.exe",
          "name": "wineexec",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "task": {
          "name": "winekill",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "task": {
          "arch": "win64",
          "description": "Installing Epic Games Store.",
          "exclude_processes": "EpicGamesLauncher.exe",
          "executable": "epicsetup",
          "name": "wineexec",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "task": {
          "name": "winekill",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "write_file": {
          "content": "@echo off\nstart \"Epic Games Store\" \"C:/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/Launcher/Portal/Binaries/Win32/EpicGamesLauncher.exe\" -opengl -SkipBuildPatchPrereq\nstart \"EA App\" \"C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/EA Desktop/EA Desktop/EALauncher.exe\"\n",
          "file": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/launch_ea_and_epic_games.bat"
        "write_file": {
          "content": "@echo off\nif \"%~1\"==\"\" (\n  set squadronsLocation=\"C:/Program Files/EA Games/STAR WARS Squadrons/starwarssquadrons_launcher.exe\"\n) else (\n  set squadronsLocation=%1\n)\nif exist %squadronsLocation% (\n  %squadronsLocation%\n) else (\n  start cmd /c \"echo Could not find the Star Wars Squadrons executable: & echo '%squadronsLocation%' & echo Please ensure you have installed it via the EA App && pause\"\n)\n",
          "file": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/launch_star_wars_squadrons.bat"
    "system": {
      "env": {
        "__GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE": 1,
      "exclude_processes": "EABackgroundService.exe QtWebEngineProcess.exe EpicWebHelper.exe"
    "wine": {
      "overrides": {
        "nvapi,nvapi64": "disabled"
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