Installer the-wheel-of-time-retail-cd

  arch: win32
  exe: drive_c/WheelOfTime/System/WoT.exe
  prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    arch: win32
    description: Creating Wine prefix
    name: create_prefix
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- insert-disc:
    description: Please insert disc 1
    requires: Setup.exe
- task:
    arch: win32
    executable: $DISC/Setup.exe
    name: wineexec
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- insert-disc:
    description: Please insert disc 2
    requires: /Movies
- copy:
    dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/WheelOfTime/Music
    src: $DISC/Music
- execute:
    args: -R 775  "$GAMEDIR"/drive_c/WheelOfTime/Music/.
    file: /bin/chmod
- copy:
    dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/WheelOfTime/Movies
    src: $DISC/Movies
- execute:
    args: -R 775 "$GAMEDIR"/drive_c/WheelOfTime/Movies/.
    file: /bin/chmod
- write_config:
    file: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/WheelOfTime/System/WoT.ini
    key: MoviePath
    section: Core.System
    value: ..\Movies
    mesa_glthread: 'true'
  dxvk: false
  esync: false
    d3dcompiler_47: native
    xaudio2_7: native,builtin
description: Install the retail game and copies the media files to the hard disc.
game_slug: the-wheel-of-time
gogslug: the_wheel_of_time
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: the-wheel-of-time-retail-cd
name: The Wheel of Time
notes: "Not all the media files (Movies and Music) get moved from the disc to the\
  \ folder. The script will copy the media files and update the WoT.ini file in the\
  \ system directory to point to the copied media files. Disc 2 should not be required\
  \ for playing the media files. If you change the default install directory the copy\
  \ may not work.\r\n\r\nDuring setup you will be require to install Quicktime. After\
  \ the install is complete. Close the wine explorer browser with the x on the right\
  \ hand corner. Secondly uncheck viewing the sample video and readme before closing\
  \ the setup."
runner: wine
    arch: win32
    exe: drive_c/WheelOfTime/System/WoT.exe
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      arch: win32
      description: Creating Wine prefix
      name: create_prefix
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - insert-disc:
      description: Please insert disc 1
      requires: Setup.exe
  - task:
      arch: win32
      executable: $DISC/Setup.exe
      name: wineexec
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - insert-disc:
      description: Please insert disc 2
      requires: /Movies
  - copy:
      dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/WheelOfTime/Music
      src: $DISC/Music
  - execute:
      args: -R 775  "$GAMEDIR"/drive_c/WheelOfTime/Music/.
      file: /bin/chmod
  - copy:
      dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/WheelOfTime/Movies
      src: $DISC/Movies
  - execute:
      args: -R 775 "$GAMEDIR"/drive_c/WheelOfTime/Movies/.
      file: /bin/chmod
  - write_config:
      file: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/WheelOfTime/System/WoT.ini
      key: MoviePath
      section: Core.System
      value: ..\Movies
      mesa_glthread: 'true'
    dxvk: false
    esync: false
      d3dcompiler_47: native
      xaudio2_7: native,builtin
slug: the-wheel-of-time-retail-cd
steamid: null
version: Retail CD
year: 1999
  "game_slug": "the-wheel-of-time",
  "version": "Retail CD",
  "description": "Install the retail game and copies the media files to the hard disc.",
  "notes": "Not all the media files (Movies and Music) get moved from the disc to the folder. The script will copy the media files and update the WoT.ini file in the system directory to point to the copied media files. Disc 2 should not be required for playing the media files. If you change the default install directory the copy may not work.\r\n\r\nDuring setup you will be require to install Quicktime. After the install is complete. Close the wine explorer browser with the x on the right hand corner. Secondly uncheck viewing the sample video and readme before closing the setup.",
  "name": "The Wheel of Time",
  "year": 1999,
  "steamid": null,
  "gogslug": "the_wheel_of_time",
  "humblestoreid": "",
  "runner": "wine",
  "slug": "the-wheel-of-time-retail-cd",
  "installer_slug": "the-wheel-of-time-retail-cd",
  "script": {
    "game": {
      "arch": "win32",
      "exe": "drive_c/WheelOfTime/System/WoT.exe",
      "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
    "installer": [
        "task": {
          "arch": "win32",
          "description": "Creating Wine prefix",
          "name": "create_prefix",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "insert-disc": {
          "description": "Please insert disc 1",
          "requires": "Setup.exe"
        "task": {
          "arch": "win32",
          "executable": "$DISC/Setup.exe",
          "name": "wineexec",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "insert-disc": {
          "description": "Please insert disc 2",
          "requires": "/Movies"
        "copy": {
          "dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/WheelOfTime/Music",
          "src": "$DISC/Music"
        "execute": {
          "args": "-R 775  \"$GAMEDIR\"/drive_c/WheelOfTime/Music/.",
          "file": "/bin/chmod"
        "copy": {
          "dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/WheelOfTime/Movies",
          "src": "$DISC/Movies"
        "execute": {
          "args": "-R 775 \"$GAMEDIR\"/drive_c/WheelOfTime/Movies/.",
          "file": "/bin/chmod"
        "write_config": {
          "file": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/WheelOfTime/System/WoT.ini",
          "key": "MoviePath",
          "section": "Core.System",
          "value": "..\\Movies"
    "system": {
      "env": {
        "__GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE": "1",
        "mesa_glthread": "true"
    "wine": {
      "dxvk": false,
      "esync": false,
      "overrides": {
        "d3dcompiler_47": "native",
        "xaudio2_7": "native,builtin"
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