- setup:
arch: win64
exe: drive_c/ProgramData/Ableton/Live 11 Standard/Program/Ableton Live 11 Standard.exe
prefix: $GAMEDIR
working_dir: drive_c/ProgramData/Ableton/Live 11 Standard
- task:
arch: win64
description: Creating 64bit Wine prefix.
name: create_prefix
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- extract:
description: Extracting Installer...
dst: $CACHE
file: setup
format: zip
- task:
app: win7 vcrun2019 gdiplus msxml3 msxml4 msxml6 vcrun2005 quicktime72 fontsmooth=rgb
msls31 d3dcompiler_43 corefonts atmlib
description: Committing Winetrickery...
name: winetricks
- task:
arch: win64
description: Running installer.
executable: $CACHE/Ableton Live 11 Standard Installer.exe
name: wineexec
- task:
name: winekill
prefix: $GAMEDIR
wineasio: n,b
description: Changed wine version to a newer version 7.2.22
game_slug: ableton-live
gogslug: ''
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: ableton-live-ableton-live-standar-1
name: Ableton Live
notes: "Tested with lutris-7.2-2-x86_64\r\n\r\nFrom Ableton Live 10 Install Script:\r\
\nAfter Installation, do NOT Launch Ableton or close it. Launch Ableton after the\
\ Installation.\r\nUSE OFFLINE AUTHORIZATION! Online Authorization crashes or may\
\ invalidate an authorization of yours. Packages have to be downloaded over\
\ Installation done over drag & drop."
runner: wine
- setup:
arch: win64
exe: drive_c/ProgramData/Ableton/Live 11 Standard/Program/Ableton Live 11 Standard.exe
prefix: $GAMEDIR
working_dir: drive_c/ProgramData/Ableton/Live 11 Standard
- task:
arch: win64
description: Creating 64bit Wine prefix.
name: create_prefix
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- extract:
description: Extracting Installer...
dst: $CACHE
file: setup
format: zip
- task:
app: win7 vcrun2019 gdiplus msxml3 msxml4 msxml6 vcrun2005 quicktime72 fontsmooth=rgb
msls31 d3dcompiler_43 corefonts atmlib
description: Committing Winetrickery...
name: winetricks
- task:
arch: win64
description: Running installer.
executable: $CACHE/Ableton Live 11 Standard Installer.exe
name: wineexec
- task:
name: winekill
prefix: $GAMEDIR
wineasio: n,b
slug: ableton-live-ableton-live-standar-1
steamid: null
version: Ableton Live Standard 11.2.11
year: 2020
"game_slug": "ableton-live",
"version": "Ableton Live Standard 11.2.11",
"description": "Changed wine version to a newer version 7.2.22",
"notes": "Tested with lutris-7.2-2-x86_64\r\n\r\nFrom Ableton Live 10 Install Script:\r\nAfter Installation, do NOT Launch Ableton or close it. Launch Ableton after the Installation.\r\nUSE OFFLINE AUTHORIZATION! Online Authorization crashes or may invalidate an authorization of yours. Packages have to be downloaded over Installation done over drag & drop.",
"name": "Ableton Live",
"year": 2020,
"steamid": null,
"gogslug": "",
"humblestoreid": "",
"runner": "wine",
"slug": "ableton-live-ableton-live-standar-1",
"installer_slug": "ableton-live-ableton-live-standar-1",
"script": {
"files": [
"setup": ""
"game": {
"arch": "win64",
"exe": "drive_c/ProgramData/Ableton/Live 11 Standard/Program/Ableton Live 11 Standard.exe",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR",
"working_dir": "drive_c/ProgramData/Ableton/Live 11 Standard"
"installer": [
"task": {
"arch": "win64",
"description": "Creating 64bit Wine prefix.",
"name": "create_prefix",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"extract": {
"description": "Extracting Installer...",
"dst": "$CACHE",
"file": "setup",
"format": "zip"
"task": {
"app": "win7 vcrun2019 gdiplus msxml3 msxml4 msxml6 vcrun2005 quicktime72 fontsmooth=rgb msls31 d3dcompiler_43 corefonts atmlib",
"description": "Committing Winetrickery...",
"name": "winetricks"
"task": {
"arch": "win64",
"description": "Running installer.",
"executable": "$CACHE/Ableton Live 11 Standard Installer.exe",
"name": "wineexec"
"task": {
"name": "winekill",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"wine": {
"overrides": {
"wineasio": "n,b"