Installer the-settlers-ii-10th-annivers-gog

- game: N/A:Please select the OFFLINE Windows installer.
  arch: win32
  exe: drive_c/GOG Games/The Settlers II - 10th Anniversary/bin/S2DNG.exe
  prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    arch: win32
    name: create_prefix
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    app: d3dx9
    arch: win32
    description: Installing d3dx9
    name: winetricks
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    app: d3dx9_36
    arch: win32
    description: Installing d3dx9_36
    name: winetricks
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    args: /silent /nogui
    executable: game
    name: wineexec
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    description: Setting Wine CSMT to 0
    key: csmt
    name: set_regedit
    path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
    type: REG_DWORD
    value: 0
description: null
game_slug: the-settlers-ii-10th-anniversary
gogslug: the_settlers_2_10th_anniversary
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: the-settlers-ii-10th-annivers-gog
name: The Settlers II 10th Anniversary
notes: ''
runner: wine
  - game: N/A:Please select the OFFLINE Windows installer.
    arch: win32
    exe: drive_c/GOG Games/The Settlers II - 10th Anniversary/bin/S2DNG.exe
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      arch: win32
      name: create_prefix
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      app: d3dx9
      arch: win32
      description: Installing d3dx9
      name: winetricks
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      app: d3dx9_36
      arch: win32
      description: Installing d3dx9_36
      name: winetricks
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      args: /silent /nogui
      executable: game
      name: wineexec
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      description: Setting Wine CSMT to 0
      key: csmt
      name: set_regedit
      path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
      type: REG_DWORD
      value: 0
slug: the-settlers-ii-10th-annivers-gog
steamid: null
version: GOG
year: 2006
  "game_slug": "the-settlers-ii-10th-anniversary",
  "version": "GOG",
  "description": null,
  "notes": "",
  "name": "The Settlers II 10th Anniversary",
  "year": 2006,
  "steamid": null,
  "gogslug": "the_settlers_2_10th_anniversary",
  "humblestoreid": "",
  "runner": "wine",
  "slug": "the-settlers-ii-10th-annivers-gog",
  "installer_slug": "the-settlers-ii-10th-annivers-gog",
  "script": {
    "files": [
        "game": "N/A:Please select the OFFLINE Windows installer."
    "game": {
      "arch": "win32",
      "exe": "drive_c/GOG Games/The Settlers II - 10th Anniversary/bin/S2DNG.exe",
      "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
    "installer": [
        "task": {
          "arch": "win32",
          "name": "create_prefix",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "task": {
          "app": "d3dx9",
          "arch": "win32",
          "description": "Installing d3dx9",
          "name": "winetricks",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "task": {
          "app": "d3dx9_36",
          "arch": "win32",
          "description": "Installing d3dx9_36",
          "name": "winetricks",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "task": {
          "args": "/silent /nogui",
          "executable": "game",
          "name": "wineexec",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "task": {
          "description": "Setting Wine CSMT to 0",
          "key": "csmt",
          "name": "set_regedit",
          "path": "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\Direct3D",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR",
          "type": "REG_DWORD",
          "value": 0
Back to game