Installer painttool-sai-2-2024-08-14-english

- setup:
  arch: win64
  exe: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/SYSTEMAX/PaintToolSAI2/sai2.exe
  prefix: $GAMEDIR
install_complete_text: 'In order to use this software, you will need to obtain a software
  license  from You can obtain your System
  ID  by opening PaintTool SAI 2 and clicking "[Others] -> [System ID]". After  downloading
  your software license certificate, navigate to wherever you  installed PTS, then
  go to `./drive_c/Program Files/PaintTool SAI 2/` and  move the certificate to this
  folder. After this is complete, if PaintTool  SAI 2 is running, please restart it.
  You will no longer recieve that trial  message.

  Happy arting!'
- task:
    arch: win64
    install_gecko: false
    install_mono: false
    name: create_prefix
- task:
    app: win7
    name: winetricks
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- extract:
    dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/SYSTEMAX/PaintToolSAI2/
    file: setup
    format: zip
description: This is a technical preview version of SAI Ver.2. Please remember this
  version will includes some bugs and inconveniences because this version is under
  development. Please do not use this version if you want to use stable version. And,
  this version requires basic skills for Windows operation. Please never use this
  version if you have not basic skills for Windows operation.
game_slug: painttool-sai-2
gogslug: ''
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: painttool-sai-2-2024-08-14-english
name: PaintTool SAI 2
notes: ''
runner: wine
  - setup:
    arch: win64
    exe: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/SYSTEMAX/PaintToolSAI2/sai2.exe
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
  install_complete_text: 'In order to use this software, you will need to obtain a
    software license  from You can obtain
    your System ID  by opening PaintTool SAI 2 and clicking "[Others] -> [System ID]".
    After  downloading your software license certificate, navigate to wherever you  installed
    PTS, then go to `./drive_c/Program Files/PaintTool SAI 2/` and  move the certificate
    to this folder. After this is complete, if PaintTool  SAI 2 is running, please
    restart it. You will no longer recieve that trial  message.

    Happy arting!'
  - task:
      arch: win64
      install_gecko: false
      install_mono: false
      name: create_prefix
  - task:
      app: win7
      name: winetricks
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - extract:
      dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/SYSTEMAX/PaintToolSAI2/
      file: setup
      format: zip
slug: painttool-sai-2-2024-08-14-english
steamid: null
version: 2024-08-14, English
year: 2020
  "game_slug": "painttool-sai-2",
  "version": "2024-08-14, English",
  "description": "This is a technical preview version of SAI Ver.2. Please remember this version will includes some bugs and inconveniences because this version is under development. Please do not use this version if you want to use stable version. And, this version requires basic skills for Windows operation. Please never use this version if you have not basic skills for Windows operation.",
  "notes": "",
  "name": "PaintTool SAI 2",
  "year": 2020,
  "steamid": null,
  "gogslug": "",
  "humblestoreid": "",
  "runner": "wine",
  "slug": "painttool-sai-2-2024-08-14-english",
  "installer_slug": "painttool-sai-2-2024-08-14-english",
  "script": {
    "files": [
        "setup": ""
    "game": {
      "arch": "win64",
      "exe": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/SYSTEMAX/PaintToolSAI2/sai2.exe",
      "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
    "install_complete_text": "In order to use this software, you will need to obtain a software license  from You can obtain your System ID  by opening PaintTool SAI 2 and clicking \"[Others] -> [System ID]\". After  downloading your software license certificate, navigate to wherever you  installed PTS, then go to `./drive_c/Program Files/PaintTool SAI 2/` and  move the certificate to this folder. After this is complete, if PaintTool  SAI 2 is running, please restart it. You will no longer recieve that trial  message.\nHappy arting!",
    "installer": [
        "task": {
          "arch": "win64",
          "install_gecko": false,
          "install_mono": false,
          "name": "create_prefix"
        "task": {
          "app": "win7",
          "name": "winetricks",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "extract": {
          "dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/SYSTEMAX/PaintToolSAI2/",
          "file": "setup",
          "format": "zip"
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