description: Should work out of the box
game_slug: orion-dino-horde
gogslug: ''
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: orion-prelude-proton
name: 'ORION: Prelude'
notes: If it doesn't work make sure you are using a wine or proton version =>4.0
runner: steam
appid: 104900
slug: orion-prelude-proton
steamid: 104900
version: Proton
year: 2013
"game_slug": "orion-dino-horde",
"version": "Proton",
"description": "Should work out of the box",
"notes": "If it doesn't work make sure you are using a wine or proton version =>4.0",
"name": "ORION: Prelude",
"year": 2013,
"steamid": 104900,
"gogslug": "",
"humblestoreid": "",
"runner": "steam",
"slug": "orion-prelude-proton",
"installer_slug": "orion-prelude-proton",
"script": {
"game": {
"appid": 104900