Installer spellforce-2-anniversary-edit-gog

- installer: N/A:Please select the Windows installer.
  arch: win64
  exe: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/Spellforce 2 Anniversary Edition/SpellForce2.exe
  prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    arch: win64
    description: Creating Wine prefix
    install_gecko: false
    install_mono: false
    name: create_prefix
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    app: d3dx9
    description: Installing d3dx9 in prefix
    name: winetricks
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    arch: win64
    description: Installing game
    executable: installer
    name: wineexec
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
description: null
game_slug: spellforce-2-anniversary-edition
gogslug: spellforce_2_anniversary_edition
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: spellforce-2-anniversary-edit-gog
name: SpellForce 2 - Anniversary Edition
notes: In order to get the game rendering outside the menus you need to reduce the
  antialiasing quality to fxaa. Don't use other setting, it will use ssaa and will
  only render the UI,
runner: wine
  - installer: N/A:Please select the Windows installer.
    arch: win64
    exe: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/Spellforce 2 Anniversary Edition/SpellForce2.exe
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      arch: win64
      description: Creating Wine prefix
      install_gecko: false
      install_mono: false
      name: create_prefix
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      app: d3dx9
      description: Installing d3dx9 in prefix
      name: winetricks
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      arch: win64
      description: Installing game
      executable: installer
      name: wineexec
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
slug: spellforce-2-anniversary-edit-gog
steamid: null
version: GOG
year: 2017
  "game_slug": "spellforce-2-anniversary-edition",
  "version": "GOG",
  "description": null,
  "notes": "In order to get the game rendering outside the menus you need to reduce the antialiasing quality to fxaa. Don't use other setting, it will use ssaa and will only render the UI,",
  "name": "SpellForce 2 - Anniversary Edition",
  "year": 2017,
  "steamid": null,
  "gogslug": "spellforce_2_anniversary_edition",
  "humblestoreid": "",
  "runner": "wine",
  "slug": "spellforce-2-anniversary-edit-gog",
  "installer_slug": "spellforce-2-anniversary-edit-gog",
  "script": {
    "files": [
        "installer": "N/A:Please select the Windows installer."
    "game": {
      "arch": "win64",
      "exe": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/Spellforce 2 Anniversary Edition/SpellForce2.exe",
      "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
    "installer": [
        "task": {
          "arch": "win64",
          "description": "Creating Wine prefix",
          "install_gecko": false,
          "install_mono": false,
          "name": "create_prefix",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "task": {
          "app": "d3dx9",
          "description": "Installing d3dx9 in prefix",
          "name": "winetricks",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "task": {
          "arch": "win64",
          "description": "Installing game",
          "executable": "installer",
          "name": "wineexec",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
Back to game