description: Performance is poor using the default Proton version. Changing to Proton
4.11-11 dramatically fixes the issues.
game_slug: google-earth-vr
gogslug: ''
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: google-earth-vr-steam-proton
name: Google Earth VR
notes: "Changing to Proton 4.11-11 \r\nInstall game\r\nFind game in library and click\
\ the configure icon, select properties\r\nOn first tab check box to \"Force the\
\ use of a specific Steam Compatibility Tool\"\r\nSelect Proton 4.11-11 (or newer)"
runner: steam
appid: 348250
slug: google-earth-vr-steam-proton
steamid: 348250
version: Steam Proton
year: null
"game_slug": "google-earth-vr",
"version": "Steam Proton",
"description": "Performance is poor using the default Proton version. Changing to Proton 4.11-11 dramatically fixes the issues.",
"notes": "Changing to Proton 4.11-11 \r\nInstall game\r\nFind game in library and click the configure icon, select properties\r\nOn first tab check box to \"Force the use of a specific Steam Compatibility Tool\"\r\nSelect Proton 4.11-11 (or newer)",
"name": "Google Earth VR",
"year": null,
"steamid": 348250,
"gogslug": "",
"humblestoreid": "",
"runner": "steam",
"slug": "google-earth-vr-steam-proton",
"installer_slug": "google-earth-vr-steam-proton",
"script": {
"game": {
"appid": 348250