
released in 2020 by Obsidian Entertainment published by Xbox Game Studios
  • Steam Steam Proton version last published 3 years, 11 months ago
    Regular version of the game. A plain install will not have audio. Check the technical notes on how to fix this.
    1. Enable Steam Play (if not already done) and disable Steam Overlay

    Steam > Steam > Settings > Steam Play > Check all boxes > Restart
    Steam > Steam > Settings > In-Game > Uncheck "Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game"
    Then run this installer

    2. Start the game once, then Quit from Main Menu.
    3. Install dotnet472 using protontricks. If you don't have protontricks installed, see here:
  • auto Steam(Auto) version
    Make sure you have connected your Steam account in Lutris and that you own this game.

The world is a vast, beautiful and dangerous place – especially when you have been shrunk to the size of an ant. Explore, build and survive together in this first person, multiplayer, survival-adventure. Can you thrive alongside the hordes of giant insects, fighting to survive the perils of the backyard?

Explore this immersive and persistent world, where the insect life reacts to your actions.

Shelter and tools are critical to your survival. Build epic bases to protect you and your stuff from the insects and the elements. Craft weapons, tools, and armor, allowing you to better fight, explore and survive.

You can face the backyard alone or together, online, with up to three friends - the choice is yours.

Uncover the secrets lurking in the shadows of Grounded as you freely explore the backyard and progress through its mysterious story.

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