Wine Windows version Rating: ✅ PLAYABLE last published 1 year, 4 months agoUncheck "start gog after installation"
- To update manually you need first to download the latest installer. To find the url go to the following noting the version suffix. If a newer version is released, the version will need to be adjusted until there is a url for the latest version.
- Select GOG Galaxy in Lutris, click on the arrow next to Play and select Configure.
- Go to the Game options tab and select the downloaded installation file in the Executable field.
Example - /home/user/Downloads/setup_galaxy_2.0.73.27.exe
Do not forget to click on Save.
- Launch GOG Galaxy and install / update it. After the installation is complete, uncheck the box from launching GOG Galaxy.
- Go back to Configure and in the Executable field specify the path to the GalaxyClient.exe file
Example - / home / user / Games / Lutris / gog-galaxy / drive_c / Program Files (x86) / GOG Galaxy / GalaxyClient.exe
Do not forget to click Save.
- That's it, now you can run the updated GOG Galaxy.
GOG GALAXY is a fully optional client to install, play and update your games. It also offers online multiplayer, achievements, chat, game-time tracking and more - but it’s up to you which features you want to use.

- Platform: Windows
- Website: www.gog.com/galaxy