Wine 0.15.7 (autoupdate) version last published 4 months, 4 weeks agoDownloads version 0.15.7 of the immutable installer and installs it. The program should update automatically, see technical notes if it doesn't.Weird issues:- The first login can take multiple attempts without any indication of progress- New card packs and levels are not always shown instantly. Nothing was lost, though. May be an issue of Gods Unchained rather than wine / this install script, though.- After installation, the client wants to immediately update. Maybe that's expected as well.Go to https://downloads.immutable.com/ to find all available versions. Just add the key to after the url (as the file name) and remember to url encode it (i.e. replace spaces by %20).
Currently a .bat file (gu.bat) is used to resolve the installation directory because it is inside the user profile. If there is a better way to do this feel free to update the installer.
Gods Unchained is a decentralized competitive card game that takes some of the best lessons learned from games like Hearthstone, MTG, and Faeria and turns them into a truly community-focused game. At its core Gods Unchained is a state of the art blockchain-based game, enabling users to trade and sell their cards freely, with the same level of ownership as if they were real, tangible cards.

- Genre: Cards
- Platform: Android, Windows
- Website: godsunchained.com