
released in 2014
  • auto Steam(Auto) version
    Make sure you have connected your Steam account in Lutris and that you own this game.

Dwelvers is a real time strategy game where The player takes the role of an evil Dungeon Lord who guide its minions through building their own dungeon, below and above the surface. Manage elaborate production chains, cater to the needs and quirks of each monster and lead them to battles against other monsters and pathetic humans.

The most challenging part for the player will be creating an advanced production system so as to have enough food to keep the creatures well fed, enough weapons and armour to outfit their army as a force to be reckoned with, and of course enough beer to keep them satisfied with you as their master. A drunk minion is a happy minion! The theme of the game will have a lot of dark humour, and each creature will have its own personality, demands and fighting style; forcing the player to handle all the creatures in different ways in order to max out their potential. A happy minion is a useful minion.