libretro Arcade version
libretro Nintendo 64 version
libretro Nintendo Wii version
Ever felt like driving to the Golden Gate Bridge, Mount Rushmore, and the White House in one day? Well then, gear up to put your racing skills to the test in a frantic trip across the United States, following a route that you won’t find on any map! Whether it’s the rolling hills of Appalachia, the flowing corn fields of Iowa, or the crowded tunnels below Chicago, you’ll find yourself too focused on the intense racing action to worry about the scenery. Get started by picking from a garage full of cars to find the one that best suits your style—if you’re good enough, you’ll even find a few hidden ones to round out your selection. Then choose one of three different playing perspectives and get ready to hang on tight! With five difficulty levels, the ability to remove traffic or other racers, and two- player simultaneous racing, it’s enough to make you forget all about finding that next rest stop. Just watch out for the cows, OK?

- Genre: Racing
- Platform: Arcade, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Wii