released in 2016
  • auto Steam(Auto) version
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CONTASION 2 is an extensive, diverse open world action-adventure game rendered in a top-down perspective. Prepare for a memorable experience; the game boasts over 50 unique, player-controlled vehicles, including; supercars, saloons, boats and more. Cruise through the City Of Pliston as you tear up the ground in a sports car, designed by the finest Pliston Engineers. Explore the fictional city based in North England, with over 11 lethal weapons ranging from AA-12's, 9mm's, M4's, M16's, RPG-7's and more. There's also a torrent of activities to participate in, both in online and in single player. Join in on the fun, hang out at some of the most iconic areas in the city with your peers such as the Imperial or Club Aycliffe; a club where you can meet people and kick back.