released in 2003
  • Wine 514.1589 version last published 1 month ago
    Works just fine, except on servers using the newer TGUI such as TGStation. Even then you will still be able to play the game, you just can't use any GUI's, including NtOS.

    This is because IE11 is required to render these interfaces, and Wine only supports up to IE8. But a fix is most likely coming for this. Stay tuned...
  • Wine 515.1642 version last published 6 months, 3 weeks ago
    Kind of updated version of 514.1589 installer. Has the same problems.
    TGUI still doesnt work.
    If you some specific unicode symbols dont work - set LANG to needed locale in UTF8 e.g. LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 for cyrillic.
  • Wine 516.1649(beta) version last published 2 months, 2 weeks ago
    Unstable Byond build with the Microsoft Edge Webview2 replacment for IE11.
    Requires a wine newer then 9.2 and servers made for versions before 515 don't work well if at all. This does allow TGUI to work with wine, however older servers without TGUI may work better with the older installers.

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  • Genre: Action, Construction, RPG, Simulation, Survival
  • Platform: Windows
  • Website:

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