Age of Empires II: The Conquerors
released in 2000 by Ensemble Studios published by Microsoft-
Wine CD version last published 5 months ago
Wine Patch 1.0c/1.0e no-CD version last published 5 years, 3 months agoPatch for the CD version
Wine Widescreen Patch version last published 4 months, 1 week agoPatch to play in widescreen format.A resolution higher than 1280x1024 is necessary for the patch to work. This patch simply replaces the numbers 1280 and 1024 in the game binary by the current resolution. Therefore you must set the resolution to 1280x1024 in the game options.
New Heroes to Discover, New Worlds to Conquer.
Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion is the official add-on to the award-winning, best-selling real-time strategy game Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings.
Expand Your Empire and Rule the World. Experience the adventure of the Spanish Conquistadors as they enter the exotic lands of the Aztecs, or relive the destructive force of Attila's hoards of pillaging Huns.
* 11 New Units-including the Huns' Tarkan, the Koreans' War Wagon and Turtle Ship, plus the Aztecs' Plumed Archer
* 26 New Technologies-one for each civilization, including Chinese Rocketry and British Yeomen
* New Game Types-experience new challenges with "Wonder Race", "Defend the Wonder," and "King of the Hill"
* Real World Maps-based on geographical locations such as Britain, France, and Italy
* Command Allied Computer Players-use chat commands to order allies to attack, tribute resources, and build an economy or military
* Smart Villagers-villagers work smarter, build walls more intelligently, and gather resources automatically after constructing a drop-off building
* Farms Automatically Replant-queue farms so they replant after being harvested
* Battering Rams-units can garrison inside Battering Rams for protection, or to increase the Ram's speed when attacking foes
* Four New Campaigns-Attila the Hun, El Cid, Montezuma, and the "Battles of the Conquerors"
* Five New Civilizations-Aztecs, Mayans, Huns, Spanish, and Koreans