Wine Original 1995 game version last published 2 years, 2 months agoInstalls the Classic Pinball 3D game we love and grew up with.
Wine SpaceCadetPinball version last published 2 months agoPlay "3D Pinball for Windows: Space Cadet" on Linux!- Using SpaceCadetPinball open source engine
Linux SpaceCadetPinball Flatpak version last published 2 months agoPlay "3D Pinball for Windows: Space Cadet" on Linux!- Using SpaceCadetPinball open source engine
- Requires Flatpak to be installed on the system
- Unofficial Flatpak Version
Originally included in Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 is the game 3D Pinball: Space Cadet, this is the Space Cadet table of Full Tilt! Pinball. None of the other tables are present. 3D Pinball was included with some of the later Windows versions by default.
The goal of the game is to progress in rank from Space Cadet to Fleet Admiral. This is achieved by selecting and completing a series of missions. New and more challenging missions become available as you progress in rank.
The game is divided into three levels of play; basic, intermediate, and advanced. The objective of all levels is to achieve the highest point total. The more advanced the level of play, the greater the point reward.