libretro Nintendo DS version
libretro Nintendo Game Boy Advance version
libretro Nintendo Wii version
pcsx2 Sony PlayStation 2 version
rpcs3 Sony Playstation 3 version
Part hard-boiled crime story, part paranoid espionage thriller, 100 Bullets follows what happens when people from all walks of life meet Agent Graves, a mysterious figure who offers his "clients" the opportunity of a lifetime: an attache case containing the proof, the gun, and the carte blanche immunity to exact revenge on a person who's done them an irrevocable wrong. Based on the Brian Azzarello's Veritgo comic of the same name, 100 Bullets features an original story by Azzarelo himself, two playable characters, and fully interactive environments. This version of 100 Bullets was cancelled when Acclaim closed up shop, but a new game based on 100 Bullets was created for a 2007 release.

- Platform: Nintendo DS, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, Nintendo Wii, Sony PlayStation 2, Sony Playstation 3, Xbox 360