10 Second Ninja X
released in 2016-
Wine Humble version last published 6 years, 6 months ago
Steam Steam version last published 3 years ago
auto Steam(Auto) versionMake sure you have connected your Steam account in Lutris and that you own this game.
10 SECOND NINJA X is a blisteringly fast, satisfyingly difficult and surprisingly methodical sidescroller which tasks you with completing each level in ten seconds or less. No lengthy checkpoint gaps. No cluttered control scheme. No hand holding. Get that three star rating, yo! You got this.
1 star. Again. 1 star. Again. 2 stars! Again. Back to 1 star. DAMN IT. Again...
100 levels including all 40 original 10 Second Ninja levels remastered in HD. Individual leaderboards for each level. Unlockables and collectibles.
- Genre: Action, Platform
- Platform: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation Vita, Sony Playstation 4, Windows, Xbox One
- Website: www.10second.ninja